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Te Ahi Kaikōmako Rolleston School

Newsletter 5 - Friday 5th April 24

Upcoming Events

9th Apr. - New Entrant Cohort 3 Visit (9 am)

11 Apr. - Tough Kid Challenge

12 Apr. - END TERM 1

29th Apr. - TERM 2 BEGINS

29th - 3rd May - Pohutukawa Camp

1st - 2nd May - Kahikatea Museum Visit


Principal's Pen

by Simon Moriarty

Hi team. I hope you all had a relaxing Easter Weekend. I can't believe that this is the final newsletter for the Term, with next week being the last week of Term 1. If I don't see you I hope you have a well-deserved term break and we can't wait to see you all back next Term.

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Canterbury Swimming Sports

by Simon Moriarty

Congratulations to our team of 9 tamariki who attended the Primary Sport Canterbury swimming comp on Wednesday 27 March at Selwyn Aquatic Centre. Each swimmer left the pool feeling good about their races. They all supported each other so well by showing our E Tu Tangata values - you have value, we succeed together and others matter. Ka pai swimmers.

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You Have Value - Home Grown Heroes

by Simon Moriarty

On Friday 22 March we held our second whole kura assembly for the year. At this assembly, we saw some awesome tamariki recognised for their efforts outside our kura and they received a Home Grown Hero Award.

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Rata Sports Spectacular

by Simon Moriarty

Last Tuesday Rata (160 tamariki) attended the Selwyn Sport Trust Fundamental Movement Spectacular down at Foster Park. The tamariki had a great time rotating around stations learning new games that developed their skills. The traditional tug of war seems to be a favourite amongst our tamariki and of course, riding on the bus there and back.

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Colour Your Day

by Simon Moriarty

Last Friday, Te Ahi Kaikōmako Rolleston School dressed up in bright colours in support of E Tū Tāngata. What a way to show our value, that we succeed together, and that others matter!! We are pleased to announce that we raised $806.80 for E Tū Tāngata. Thank you.

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2024 Teacher Only Day REMINDER

by Simon Moriarty

The Ministry of Education is providing schools with additional Teacher Only Days in 2024 to continue to work on the revised NZ Curriculum.

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REMINDER: Student Cellular Devices at School Procedures

by Simon Moriarty

As you are aware the new Government has brought in new legislation regarding students bringing cell phones and cellular devices to school. This campaign has been called - "Phones Away for the Day". The regulations require that schools must ensure students do not use or access a phone or cellular device while they are attending school, including during lunchtime and breaks. This includes students who are on a school event outside the school grounds.

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A six-session programme for parents/caregivers of children aged 5-12 years Tuning Into TEENS is an option for parents/caregivers of tamariki in school years 6-8 (10-13yrs)

by Admin

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Selwyn Sports Centre April Holiday Programme

by Rolleston Office

The dates for the programme are: Active Holiday Programme – 15th – 19th April from 8am-4pm Girls on the go – 22nd – 26th April (excluding 25th April) from 8am-4pm Parents can register through the Enrolmy app by searching up the holiday programme on the Selwyn Sports Centre page.

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