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Te Ao Mārama School

Whiria te tāngata - 13 March

Absentee Notifications
*Select 'Report an Absence' in the Hero app
*Leave a voicemail - 07 595 0595 (option 1)

If your child tests positive for Covid-19, please continue to advise us by completing this google form.

Please make sure your child signs in at the office if they arrive after 8.40am.


From Tony

by Tony Grey

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Dr. Seuss Day!

by Tony Grey

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COVID UPDATE – Main changes

by Tony Grey

There have been further changes to the Covid isolation guidelines.

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Kererū Gate/Access Closed

by Tony Grey

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How to care for your child

by Tony Grey

This link below contains really useful advice for parents to support their child(ren) with COVID.

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Mandarin Language Support

by Rainy Lee

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