Whiria te tāngata - 27 October

Ice Skating at Te Ao Mārama

Next week we are hosting the Ice Skate Tour at school. All students will have a lesson during class time (this cost covered by the annual Activity Fee).

The Ice Skating will also be open for families and friends after school on Tuesday 31st October and Wednesday 1st November.  These events are open to the public too.

Please use this link to book a place: https://www.trybooking.co.nz/PUT

The Ice Skate Tour travels around New Zealand with state of the art, artificial ice rinks. They look like ice and have 97% same gliding capacity as natural ice. Surrounded by an inflatable boarding and helmets + gloves provided at no charge (both compulsory for kids) it’s the safest possible way to try ice skating.

We will also provide further updates nearer the time.