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Matariki Celebrations - Kite Making by Mrs Brickland

Matariki Craft

Mrs Brickland - June 14, 2018

Did you know Matariki starts on June 15 this year?

Each day this week, we have had a craft activity in the Hall, run by Ms Brickland and Miss Postles.

Today we made Matariki kites.

Do you know why kites are flown during Matariki?

The Māori kite is known as manu tukutuku or manu aute. Manu means both kite and bird, and the word tukutuku refers to the winding out of the line as the kite ascends. Kites were also known as pākau, a name for the wing of a bird.

Kites were flown to celebrate the start of the Māori New Year, when Matariki (the Pleiades) appeared in the mid-winter night sky.

We had lots of fun being Real Learners, and learning all about Matariki!