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Te Kura Mareko Casebrook Intermediate School

Casebrook Intermediate School News - 4 June 2015

Casebrook Intermediate News - 4 June 2015

End of Term 2


Message from the Principal

by Sharon Keen

Casebrook Has Enjoyed Hosting Year 6 Cluster School Students.

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Entertainment Books - Last chance to purchase!

by Christine Gillard

It is not too late to purchase your Entertainment Book.   

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Home stay families urgently required.

by Christine Gillard

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Tae Kwon Do Competition by Jaymee Wooddin

by Christine Gillard

On the weekend of the 15 and 16 May, I wend to Dunedin with the rest of my Tae Kwon Do group to take part in the South Island competitions.

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PTA Chocolate Fundraiser 

by Nick Leith

The chocolate money is coming in as boxes are sold. The first round of daily prizes will be drawn on Tuesday 9th June in Assembly.

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Gifted Children Parents Evening

by Nick Leith

What is Giftedness? How do I know if my child is gifted? How can my child’s school help? 

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C3 is underway! 

by Nick Leith

Our Casebrook Coding Club (C3), facilitated by Rob DeVoer has begun on Tuesdays.

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Cross Country

by Charlotte Gardner

The annual Casebrook Intermediate Cross Country event results!

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Casebrook REP Update 

by Nick Leith

Congratulations to our students who achieved their badges for earning 20 REP cards in one of our three expectations of RESPECT, EXCELLENCE, and PERSEVERANCE.

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Casebook Challenge Corner

by Kelsey Knipshild

Check out some of the Casebrook Challenges that have come in over the past few weeks. 

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Casebrook Football Roundup

by Nick Leith

Our three football teams are competing hard in the Intermediate Sport Competition at Hagley Park each Tuesday. Our boys teams are coached by Mr Leith, Mr Pitt and our girls team by Miss Mordue. Catch up on last week's reports from our captains.

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Casebook Quiz Event

by Emily Roberts-Mordue

Join us for an enjoyable Water Polo fundraiser afternoon. 

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Canteen - Pizza & Lasagne

by Casebrook Unican

Did you know the delicious pizza’s sold at the Casebrook canteen have a honey and olive oil bread base with a swirl of tomato sauce, high in lycopene and are topped with low fat mozzarella cheese. Pizza’s are made fresh each day and can be made to suit each student including gluten free and vegetarian. Special pizza orders can be placed before school or at morning tea and we have a variety of toppings available including Chicken, Ham, Sausage, Potato Wedges, Onion, Pepper, Corn, Tomato, Mushroom and Pineapple.

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Welcome Jackson Hagen

by Nick Leith

Jackson is our new 24/7 Youth Worker at Casebrook

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Please click on the links below to look at the community notices.

by Christine Gillard

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