Literacy / Numeracy Common Assessment Activities (CAA - previously known as co-reqs)

The first set of CAA exams are 27-29th May, with a second attempt available in September.

One of the significant changes to how NCEA is awarded to students is reducing the number of ways they can achieve 10 Literacy and 10 Numeracy credits. Students who are working at level 5 in the curriculum are on track to be successful in these assessments. This information is updated termly and available via the parent portal.

These 20 credits are crucial as without them, students are unable to achieve L1, L2 or L3 NCEA. Primarily, these 20 credits are now achieved through what are known as Common Assessment Activities (CAA) digital exams covering Reading (5 credits), Writing (5 credits) and Numeracy (10 credits). Once one of these assessments have been passed, the student has achieved the credits for that assessment with no need to repeat.

While we have implemented a comprehensive learning programme in Years 9, 10 and 11, these digital exams are the first experience our students have of formal NCEA exams. They occur twice a year, and we have included Year 10 students who wish to opt in, as well as the compulsory Year 11 inclusion. This means that students could have 4 chances over two years to pass these three exams.

We want to give our students the best chance of achieving their goals, and have been looking at ways to supplement the teaching in the classroom in Years 9-11, through differentiated learning activities during whanau time, study and home learning.

The first set of CAA exams are 27-29th May, with a second attempt available in September.

All Year 11 students as well as any Year 12 and 13 students who are still to pass these exams - it is mandatory for them to sit the exams.

All Year 10 students have been given the option of sitting the first exams in May - the majority of students have opted to give the exam a go, many just want to see what they are capable of or what the exam is like. 

Please have a read through both the attachment: Guide to NCEA as well as the NZQA website:
