Rural College

Learning in Agricultural and Horticultural Science develops students' understanding of the interconnectedness of all aspects of the growing environment, which includes people, soils, water, climate, plants, and animals. This subject focuses on primary production and predominately stops at the site gate, excluding businesses that support the primary industry. Ākonga will learn about on-site decisions as well as the off-site considerations that influence the production of primary products. There is a strong emphasis on environmental, social, cultural, and economic sustainability and a focus on innovation in response to economic and environmental challenges. Primary production is of national significance as it provides significant export earnings, self-sufficiency, and employment opportunities. The knowledge and skills that ākonga develop through their learning in Agricultural and Horticultural Science open pathways to a wide range of opportunities in life, further study, and career, in Aotearoa New Zealand, the Pacific, and elsewhere. The subject provides valuable opportunities for hands-on practical work that will help establish ākonga appreciation for the growing environment.

9RUC - Rural College

This eight-week option is designed to give students a hands-on introduction to some of the basic skills that are required on the farm. Students will examine three topics: Basic fencing knots using high tensile wire. How to identify different breeds of sheep and cattle and why and basic working dog commands and calls. Students learn how to communicate with a shepherd's whistle and the basics of working with working dogs.   

Leads to: Year 10 Rural College

Contact: Rex Smith (

10RUC - Rural College

This is a 50:50 blend of practical skills and some research projects.

Practical Skills include: Quad bike & motorbike skills; fence knots; electric fencing; alkathene plumbing

Research Units include: Soils; animal diseases and electric fence design.

Leads to: Level 1 Rural skills

Contact: Rex Smith (