From the tumuaki | principal 2023 Term 4 Week 8

Supporting the transition of students into our school for next year, and students within our school to understand what their next year looks like. Also heaps of student activities, visitors and more recruitment.

Kia ora koutou kātoa | hello to you all

Today is one of the most exciting days in the year for me, our Transition Day when we meet new students for 2024 as well as giving current students a sample of what school looks like for them next year. I love seeing the colourful medley of our contributing primary schools’ uniforms, the emotions ranging from nervousness to eager anticipation, sparkling eyes and smiling faces. A lot of work has already been done to make their transition to high school smooth and my thanks to everyone for the part they’re playing.

This has also been a busy week of student activities, staff prep for next year, and recruitment to roles.

We had many students represent us at Canterbury Athletics (results in the sport section) and all of Year 8 went to Jelly Park to come together to celebrate their year. All of Year 9 is doing a Waimakariri river clean up as part of exploring our school’s values and just enjoying working together.

We also got to host visitors from Shandan County, China, who I had met during my visit earlier this year. These are principals of very large schools (over 3,000 students) with Sister School relationships here. We discussed educations systems and visited classes where our students shone with their natural manaakitanga.

I was privileged to spend a day at Te Pā ō Moki, the marae of Taumutu Rūnanga (Ngāi Te Ruahikihiki) which is our mana whenua or the people with tribal authority for our area, with principals from early childhood and primary in our Kāhui Ako . The values of Taumutu are rich and supportive of our school and community and it was great to learn more of our region’s history. We are resolute on maintaining and extending the progress that we have started to make in connecting, understanding and valuing te ao Māori (the world of Māori) in our schools for a better future for all of us.

Exams finished for us this week and I would like to thank Mrs Karen Armstrong and Mr Matt Maude for their diligent and professional management of the exam process. It has not been an easy year and they excelled in their roles.

We have appointed Mr Dayle Major for our Year 8 whānau / homeroom and ESOL classes for 2024.

Ngā mihi maioha (warm regards)

Andy England

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