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Hagley News July 2019


Preschool Director Jocelyn Wright and Board of Trustees Chair Sara Gordon with Education Minister Chris Hipkins

Education Minister Chris Hipkins Visits Hagley

by Mike Fowler

The Minister wanted to hear of the challenges Hagley students and their families from culturally and linguistically diverse communities have faced over the last three months and continue to face after 15 March.

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Charlotte James, Astronaut in the Making

by Faith Oxenbridge

Year 12 student Charlotte James wins Crimson Education's Te Ara a Kupe Beaton Award.

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Mayor Recommends Funding for Multicultural Hub

by Mike Fowler

New Zealand’s first multicultural hub is a step closer to becoming a reality after a bid to secure elusive funding was approved by the Christchurch City Council.

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Checking In...

by Jenni Holden

2019 has seen a number of changes in processes at Hagley College - have your say about what you like/don't like.

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Flying Finn

by Rowan Milburn

Downhill skateboarder and Hagley College Year 10 student Finn Gray-Swann is succeeding on the international stage and we couldn’t be more proud of him!

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Canterbury Secondary Schools Gymnastics Championships

by Eva Fenwick

We headed to Olympia Gymnasium for the Canterbury Secondary Schools Gymnastics Championships on the morning of June 18th.

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Peer Support 2019

by Anna Holmes

In Term 1, Year 13 students have been working with Year 9 classes to support students get settled into Hagley, develop skills to get along with others and learn how to make connections.

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by Nanako Sato

The Music department had an eventful month in June.

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Finn Hawkesby-Browne

by Melanie Rich

Finn Hawkesby-Browne is a Year 12 student at Hagley, having started as a Year 9 student in 2016.

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Senior College Wellbeing Modules – an update

by Rowan Milburn

It is fantastic to see students engaging with the wellbeing modules that are on offer to Year 12 and 13 students. A number of our staff are joining in where they can too, which is awesome!

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Start of the race

Cross Country

by Melanie Rich

Friday 21st June saw the running of the annual school cross country. This year there was a new twist, with one of the Year 12 Sports Education classes planning and running the event.

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Johnathon Markham

by Ros Jackson

Hagley teachers care, yes they do.

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by Claire Jones

Come and visit the Hagley Careers Centre for more information on any of the following short courses, scholarships or university visits.

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2019 Parliamentary Eid Celebration

by Suhaylah Richards

This year’s Eid Celebration at the Beehive paid special tribute to the support offered by New Zealanders, including the Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, to the families and communities of those effected by the 15th March tragedy in Christchurch.

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Kete Wana – Deconstruct/Reconstruct

by Robyn Davison

What do you do with your socks when they are too small? Cute-as sock monkeys are appearing around the school from one of the Kete Wana classes.

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Artwork Brings a Smile to Hagley Preschool

by Jocelyn Wright

Following the March 15th attack the Preschool received many expressions of support and offers of help and donations to support whānau in the Preschool community.

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Teaching and Learning Innovation at Hagley Preschool

by Jocelyn Wright

Kaiako at Hagley Preschool are proud to announce that they are the successful recipients of a 2019 Teaching and Learning Innovation Project funded by the Ministry of Education.

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