The Daily Hailey|Blog

Hail Showcase: Mahuta Camp 2016

Urmi Shah — Merrin School - March 9, 2016

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Urmi Shah

Top team 2016

A fantastic use of Hail: on the first day of camp, Urmi at Merrin School created an article with photo gallery and published it out through Facebook and MailChimp that evening to the delight of the parents, caregivers and families.
The Year 5/6 team have just completed their first day at Blue Skies camp in Kaiapoi.

As snug as bugs in rugs. Our wee cherubs are all tucked up watching a movie before bed time. It has been a fun filled day full of activities such as Top Team, a Confidence Course, orienteering, initiative games, insect hunts, tug of wars and many outside games. We can't wait until tomorrow!

We get a real kick out of seeing Hail empowering teachers to update their community so quickly and beautifully from the road — and the Facebook comments from delighted mums says it all.

Great job Urmi!