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Forget Work-Life Balance: Achieve Work-Life Integration

Big Think - June 22, 2016

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Big Think

Work/Life Balance Is a Non-Issue If You Find Your Purpose, Says Dan Pontefract

"The problem with work-life balance is that it traps us in a career or job-oriented mindset, working for either a paycheck or purely to climb the latter." Find purpose instead, says Dan Pontefract.

Work-life balance is harder and harder to achieve for many of us, especially with email and team collaboration tools like Slack following us wherever we go. One approach is to find a purpose in your work so that your job is just part of what you do and doesn't always feel like it's pulling you away from your life...

Purpose really is your defined sense of self. And it starts with you. Purpose is not given to you. Purpose is not bought. Purpose is defined and decided and developed by you. Now ostensibly we all have to work somewhere. And so what you’re trying to do is to match as best possible that defined sense of self with an organization that ideally has as close a match to that defined sense of self. So you’re looking for an organization that also has defined itself how you want to view the world, how you live the world. And when there’s a balance as close to as possible as 100 percent between your defined sense of self and the organizations defined sense of purpose than in your role and reciprocally in your life you will be living and working with a sense of purpose.
Dan Pontefract