The Daily Hailey|Blog

Hail Update: Add Your LinkedIn Page or Profile

Hailey Bird - June 30, 2016

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LinkedIn Headline Tips: Official

Got a LinkedIn company page or profile you want to promote? Now you can add it to Hail and have it display in all published formats.

LinkedIn is the social network of choice for more and more professionals and with Microsoft's recent $26.2 billion purchase of the company we can be confident that there'll be more growth in its future as it'll surely be teamed up with Microsoft's CRM platforms.

"What is potentially transformative about this deal is a future where Microsoft retains its focus on enterprise while shifting the locus of its business from companies to employees."
Ben Thompson, Stratechery

So from today if you add your LinkedIn company page or personal profile to Hail's settings we'll give it a button in its rightful spot alongside the other social networks in all your published content.

Questions or requests? Get in touch with our friendly team.