The Daily Hailey|Blog

New Hail Feature: Private Tags

Lou Donnelly-Davey - October 18, 2015

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Jeff Sheldon


Now you can not only tag your articles for easy organization in the Hail backend and categorization in published formats, you can also apply private tags to help you manage your content more effectively.

You told us that sometimes you wanted to organize your content in the backend of Hail through tags, but didn't necessarily want those tags to show up in any of your public outputs, like in your newsletter for instance.

So we created a clever new feature called private tags, just for you.

Private tags allow you to organize your content within Hail without worrying that they will be visible to your readers.

This is particularly useful for allowing members of your organization to see content that is suitable for specific publications in the future. For instance, you may mark up particular content as you go to be included in the latest newsletter with the private tag "To be considered", content may be categorized as you go for an end of year publication like a Yearbook with an appropriate tag such as "Yearbook 2015" or you may wish to tag content that is perfect to be added to your Hail website as part of your workflow, with something like "Website content".

Private tags give you more control over your content now and in the future and make collaborative content creation a cinch!

What will you use the new Private Tags feature for?