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Star Wars trailer viewed more than 112m times in 24 hours

The Guardian - October 23, 2015

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Star Wars

Star Wars: The Force Awakens Trailer (Official)

The latest trailer for The Force Awakens, which debuted on Monday, is the most-watched yet for the anticipated film.

It’s official: the force is still strong with the Star Wars series.

The latest and reportedly final trailer for JJ Abrams’s Star Wars: The Force Awakens was viewed more than 112m times online during its first 24 hours online, according to Lucasfilm. Factor in the 16m viewers that watched the trailer on ESPN’s popular Monday Night Football show in the US, and the tally stands at 128m views.

By comparison, the trailer for Fifty Shades of Grey, until then the most watched of 2014, tallied 93m views on YouTube over the course of the whole year.

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