The Daily Hailey|Blog

9 Things You Should Do Every Day to Create Brain Space

Lou Donnelly-Davey - October 21, 2015

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Nick Turner

Best friend

Being your most awesome self takes work and in order to be at our best we all need to take stock every now and then to ensure we are taking the best care of ourselves. 

Having a purpose in life means that we maintain a contentful and meaningful life. However, sometimes our purpose, whatever that may be, gets on top of us and that's when we need to go back to the book and check in with ourselves to make sure we are being good to ourselves.

We have come up with a simple and easily achievable list to help you get the most out of your day and yourself. Check in and tune up to see the difference a few tweaks can make to your wellbeing and productivity.

1. Set the tone for the day

Before your feet even hit the ground it's important to get yourself in the right frame of mind. Research has shown that people who consciously maintain an attitude of gratitude are generally happier :) In fact, writing for five minutes a day in a gratitude journal can increase your long-term well-being by more than 10 percent! Something as simple as actively expressing gratitude for 3 things in your life while your head is still on the pillow will have immense follow on effects to your day. It doesn't have to be grand, you may have gotten a solid 7 hours sleep, the kids might have slept through the night or maybe your dog jumped in for a 6am cuddle!

2. Make your bed

And tick off your other common tasks and chores. I call this looking out for my "future self" .... and teach my kids to do the same. Whether it's making your bed, unpacking the dishwasher or even making a dinner or two ahead of time, taking care of your future self means that later today, this week or this month your future self will thank you. Getting home after along day and finding you have a meal in the crockpot is as good as a hug.... and crawling into bed early to catch some extra zzz's is that much nicer when your morning self remembered to make your bed for you! This goes for bigger things too, like getting some exercise, practising yoga or even being mindful of your reactions when you find yourself stressed. Do now what your future self will thank you for. In case you needed more convincing... did you know that 71% of bed makers consider themselves happy, while... 62 % of non bed makers consider themselves unhappy!

3. Nourish your body

Start the day how you plan to continue and ensure your body has the right nutrients to kick start you day. Routine may sound boring but it also means you have one less thing to think about on your hectic mornings, creating brain space. If like me, you have 3 children to get our the door before you start your day, knowing what's for breakfast before you set foot in the kitchen helps for a smooth transition. My go to every single day is smoothies! That way I know I have provided my body with at least 2 servings of fresh fruit and veges before my eyelids are barely even open.

My go to?...

Blueberry, banana and coconut smoothie

Almond and coconut milk
Frozen Blueberries
Ripe banana
Blend for 2 mins and voila.

The frozen berries make it nice and cold and the almonds and banana keep you full for hours. You can also add chia seeds or ground flax seeds for some texture and an extra boost.

For more awesome breakfast smoothie recipes see here.

4. Hydrate

Fill a bottle first thing with filtered water and keep it by your side. I fill mine first thing, take it in the car and carry it to work in my LuLu Lemon bag along with my lunch :) Yes, I'm that nerdy. But this way I'm not looking around for a cup or a fountain and can sip all day to keep myself hydrated. Especially in an air conditioned office. There is no set amount of water that you should consume in a day, and the old theory that an adult should drink at least 8 glasses a day is out with the bath water. Listen to your body and up your intake if it's hot, you're more active than usual or you feel yourself getting sleepy!

5. Plan

Establish early on how you are going to attack the day. Schedule in your most important takes and make sure you are doing the most important first, not the most urgent ! This is a trap we all fall into - and one that means our most important tasks are often left undone! Doing the hardest (or least pleasant) task first also allows you to get on a roll for the day - and makes subsequent tasks seem easier! It also means you finish on a high and your brain feels rewarded.

6. Refresh

Change your space... take a mini nap... move... make a phone call... change your frequency ... do a walking meeting ... all of these things will help you reset your frequency and give your brain and your body a chance to find some space.

7. Stretch

Or move... preferably both. I practise yoga and to be honest I'm not sure whether it's more for my brain or body as the benefits run deep. Moving your body releases feel good hormones that give your brain a sense of calm, improves concentration and decreases stress.

8. Connect

Check in with your loved ones, coworkers or even your dog — be more than present with yourself... and make sure the world knows you are up and at 'em! Connecting in the real world means taking the time to get outside of your head. It means actively engaging with others and serves a dual purpose. It enables us to think about more than ourselves and allows us to tune into other peoples channels. This is a powerful way for us to put our own lives into perspective and gives us the chance to feel a part of a greater whole. A community. Connection is powerful... research has shown that being social reduces anxiety, lowers blood pressure and even improves immunity! Now go cuddle that cat!

9. Know when to turn off and wind down

Probably the most important of all is knowing when your mind and body has had enough and you should switch off. Life's about balance and tuning in to yourself is vital to maintaining sanity and brain space. Cooking a meal for your loved ones, watching a movie or reading a book under the covers are all part of what life is made up of. It's the simple things that truly make us happy and making time in our day to simply be present creates space in our lives to enable us to achieve anything!

What's your number one tip for creating brain space in your day?

Originally posted on the Hail Blog...