Tom Barnett - April 1, 2016
UPDATE: All pre-orders are now fulfilled. Thanks to everyone who got in touch, your responses were overwhelming :-)
The iPhone and iPad proved that typing on mobile devices doesn't require a physical keyboard, but we can go one better — thanks to Hail Communicator’s Advanced Recognition Speech Engine (ARSE) you don't even need a screen! Now you can simply dictate your latest story straight into the mic and it’s streamed directly up into a new article in Hail’s cloud — ready and waiting for when you’re back at your desk.
We all know that Apple’s SIRI doesn’t always understand what you’re saying and you often find yourself reverting to the keyboard, but those days are over thanks to our groundbreaking ARSE.
Hail Communicator doesn’t just have any old photo/video camera. Instead, we’ve incorporated a virtual reality holographic cam that captures the whole scene in 3D, ready for the big VR platforms coming this year from the likes of Facebook.
"Going back about 10 years, most of what we shared and experienced was text, and then it was photos, and now we're entering into a world where that's video. But pretty soon we're going to live in a world where everyone has the power to share and experience wholes scenes, as if you're just right there in person."
— Mark Zuckerberg
"But surely", you say "without a screen or keyboard how do I review my content on the go or away from the office?". Well, move over SIRI and say hello to STAVROS (State of The Art Virtual Reality Operating System). It’s not only the camera that’s VR capable, Hail Communicator has an entire VR operating system which lets you step inside your virtual office and rummage through filing cabinets searching for pages of content and piles of photos — just like the old days!
For a real nostalgia kick, you can even walk the corridors of your virtual organisation to hunt down colleagues and beg their virtual doubles for "that USB key I gave you last month with all the staff photos".
We know Hail customers are an extremely forward-thinking bunch, who seek out new content experiences, to boldly go where no curators have gone before, so we're anticipating a pretty high demand for the Hail Communicator. Not to worry though, just make sure to get your order to us by 12 noon today and you'll be in our first round of shipments at an introductory price of $666.66, which we'll endeavor to beam down by April 1st, 2017.
With Hail the future is already here, so open up your hailing frequencies by creating future-proofed content and curating your very own rich communications —
Photo by Bob Bekian.