23-25 May - Senior Exams
28 May - Teschemakers Cup assembly
31 May - Year 8 Information Evening
4 June - Queen's Birthday
6 June - PPTA Union Meeting (students finish at 12.45pm)
6 June - Parent NCEA Information Evening
7 June - Aoraki Cross Country
9 June - TGHS Ball
11 June - STAC Exchange
12 June - Aoraki Cycling
12-15 June - "Into the Woods" School Production
19 June - Author Kate De Goldi visiting
20 June - OBHS Exchange
21 June - Junior Social
21-22 June - Year 13 History trip to Wellington
27 June - Aoraki Junior Basketball
27-28 June - ODT Spelling Quiz
29 June - Teacher Only Day
3 July - Year 12 Emerging Leaders, Christ's College
6 July - End of Term 2