NEWSLETTER Issue 2 May 2020
TGHS Careers
There are still a lot of things happening in the Careers space, despite the recent interruptions. I want to reassure you that we will be doing all we can to ensure students get the best career education possible, so they can make informed decisions about their future pathways.
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A HUGE WELCOME to the new staff who have joined us since our last newsletter. We know you will love being a part of our very special TGHS school community.
Have you changed your address, your cellphone number, your email address?
If you take up a home or business loan with ANZ, our school can access rewards.
One thing that I have learnt throughout this whole lockdown process is, we humans are very adaptable and resilient when the time calls for us to be so.
TGHS -Social Sciences
The Social Sciences Learning Area at Timaru Girls’ High School would like to congratulate all our students who experienced success in their academic studies in 2019. A special mention is to be made to those students who gained subject endorsements. We wish all our past and present students well for their academic endeavours in 2020 and beyond.
Mary-Ellen Luyten
Sunday 24th May - Saturday 30th May
The Arts
Art students continued to produce top quality work during Alert Level 4 as they worked from home. These three amazing paintings are a sample of the art work brought to class on Monday 18 May.
With the current Covid 19 situation we find ourselves facing it made me wonder what the situation was like here at Timaru Girls' High School during the 1918 Spanish Flu that impacted the world and Timaru 102 years ago.
Sports Co-ordinator
We know a majority of our students will be looking forward to returning to sport over the coming months!
TGHS - Geography
Term 1 has been a busy time for the Geography students and teachers with all year levels participating in fieldwork. Fieldwork is an essential part of Geography as it gives opportunities for learning which cannot be duplicated in the classroom. It greatly enhances students' understanding of geographical features and concepts and allows students to develop an understanding of real-world geography in their local environments.
The Hostel
We welcomed boarders back to the Hostel on Sunday 17 May ready for school on Monday. It was great to have so many girls return to hostel life after their online learning at home.
Student Office
Did you get your school magazine for 2018 and 2019?
If you have any questions, please refer to the website
International Students
Our international students would like to thank all our Homestay families who took them into their homes during the recent lockdown.
Guidance Counsellor
What does post-lockdown wellbeing look like and how can we maintain a sense of calm in this uncertain time?
You can still drop in your school photo orders if you missed out before lockdown.
Some rights reserved Timaru Girls’ High School , 2024