Jack, Y13, China by Nicki Ridden-Angus

Jack, Y13, China

Coming to Kavanagh College must be one of the decisions that made me very proud of so far in my life.

In the past three years that i spent in Kavanagh College, I had experienced a completely different cultural life compared to China. I also made lots of friends there inside school and outside school. Talking about the teachers and students in Kavanagh College, they were very friendly to everyone and willing to know what was my life like in China.

During my time spent in Kavanagh, I took part in lots of sports and cultural activities such as Musical, Jazz Band, String 88, Otago Secondary School Music Festival, Kavanagh Got Talent and curling. Those activities brought me closer to the local culture and gave me more chances to make more friends inside and outside school. 

Really miss that time that I learnt the dance and songs for the musical; Really miss that time that a room of peers playing their instruments together to show how much they loved the music; Really miss that time that I was taking the bus with my curling teammates to the ice stadium, discussing about the strategies and finally holding the trophy of National Secondary School Curling Competitions ... Thanks Kavanagh, offered me so many opportunities in distinct fields.

The most unforgettable moment that I was in Kavanagh was the Kavanagh Formal. Every pretty girl and handsome boy dressed up in lovely dresses and tight suits. We had dinner together with our partners in the Town Hall, we danced with each other, we sang with each other and also we took pictures to memorize this beautiful and indelible moment.

It was also my pleasure to be as house captain, international prefect and class leader in Year 13, in the final year that i stayed in Kavanagh, I joined in arranging the dance for the Kavanagh Day and taught younger students songs for the house competitions. Well, I have to admit that I am an awful singer and as a leader, I had to be better than others so that I could teach them. So
I just stayed at home and practiced the same song again and again until I got the tone... 

I didn't just do my duties, but also i learnt more about myself; learnt more about leading; learnt more about the word united.

Overall, I really love my life in New Zealand, in Kavanagh College and feel thankful for those friends who helped me a lot when I got some problems.

Jack graduated and then completed a Bachelor of Science at Otago University