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Quarter page advertisement —2 column page by Ann Gilroy

Advertising in Tui Motu Magazine

Ann Gilroy - June 29, 2020

Consider advertising your event or business in Tui Motu magazine. It is distributed throughout New Zealand as well as in some places in Australia.

Following prices include GST

Inserts into magazines (per 2000 copies) $300.00
Half page advertisement (183mm width x 125mm depth)  $300.00
Quarter page advertisement 2 column (89mm width x 125mm depth)  $170.00
Quarter page advertisement 3 column (120 mm width x 93 mm depth)  $170.00
Half column advertisement 3 column page (60mm width x 125 mm depth)  $100.00

Plus Tui Motu can format your advertisement for an additional charge

Formatting/designing of advertisement  $20.00 + GST


To place an advertisement contact the Administrator: 

or 03 4771449

Prices at June 2020