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Covers: 2023

About Tui Motu Magazine

October 1, 2021


Tui Motu InterIsland magazine — the independent, Catholic, monthly — was founded in 1997 in New Zealand by the Dominican Sisters, the Dominican Friars and the Sisters of St Joseph.

The founding editorial team was Michael Hill IC and Frances Skelton. Together they developed the magazine and continued its reputation until they retired in 2010.

Elizabeth Mackie OP, Michael Hill IC, Frances Skelton, Judith McGinley OP, founders and first editorial team of Tui Motu magazine — Image by: Jim Neilan

Kevin Toomey OP and Elizabeth Mackie OP were appointed next and edited the magazine until the end of 2014.

Michael Hill IC founding editor (1997-2009) and Kevin Toomey OP second editor (2010-2014) of Tui Motu magazine. — Image by: ODT

The current editor Ann Gilroy RSJ took on the role in 2015 and with Ann Hassan publishes the magazine monthly.

Ann Hassan (Assistant Editor and Administrator) and Ann Gilroy (Editor)

Mandate of Magazine

Tui Motu magazine provides Catholic as well as ecumenical and inter-faith perspectives and discussion on current issues in church and society. It acknowledges its role in honouring the relationships arising from Te Tiriti o Waitangi. It focuses particularly on issues affecting Aotearoa New Zealand and the Pacific. Its intent is to promote the spirit of the Second Vatican Council, engaging faith and the world through informed, thoughtful comment and discussion for a general readership. The magazine publishes 11 issues per year in print and regular digital postings on social media.

The magazine invites contributions from writers of Catholic and other Christian traditions or faith backgrounds, who can offer our readers insights which resonate with the Gospel as it affects us today. We value diversity and seek contributions which are representative of our church and our society: Māori, Pākehā Pasifika, other cultures, a range of ages and genders, lay and ordained. We offer feature articles, interviews, reviews, poetry, comment and opinion on theology, spirituality and history, as well as on social justice and ecology.

The Independent Catholic Magazine Limited Board

The Independent Catholic Magazine Ltd is a not-for-profit company and is registered with the New Zealand Charities.

Directors of the Company:

Co Chairs — Judith McGinley OP and Louise Shanly
Secretary — Agnes Hermans
Philip Casey
Cathrine Harrison
Adrienne Gallie RSJ