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Cover: "Raiātea" by Motuti Marie Trustees


Susan Smith - September 30, 2022

by Claire Kaahu White. Published by Motuti Marae Trustees, 2022. Reviewed by Susan Smith

One of the dreams of Pā Henare Tate was to establish not a museum, but rather a treasure house, where tāonga that told the story of Māori Catholicism in North Hokianga would be preserved for future generations. As Pā Henare said: “Raiātea is something more than a museum, it is a puna, a source of knowledge, inspiration, education and well-being for my people.” The hāpu at Motuti wanted to name the treasure house, Tamatea, after their tupuna, but they had not reckoned with Dame Whina Cooper who insisted that it be named Raiātea. As Pā Henare said: “She’s our kuia and precious to us.”

Claire Kaahu White and her team are to be congratulated on Raiātea, which tells the story behind the building of Raiātea at Motuti, close to the final resting place of Bishop Pompallier and Pā Henare. The text is informative, while the photos collected by so many over the years put the reader in touch with the history of Māori Catholicism in North Hokianga. Raiātea is a wonderful account of Pā Henare’s contribution not only to Māori Catholicism, but to indigenous peoples elsewhere and to Pākeha Catholicism.

Tui Motu Magazine. Issue 275 October 2022: 27