Learning about SDG 11 by United Cities and Local Governments

Sustainable Development Goal 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.

How well do our cities or settlements live up to this goal?

Your Challenge:

Is to learn more about what this goal means, the positive impact it will have and also learn what the targets for this goal are.

Follow this Process:

  1. Watch this video: Learning about SDG 11

  2. Discuss the ways in which cities can become more sustainable as covered in the video. Why do you think these changes need to be made if more people will be living in cities? Will it help the environment and will it help the people living in busy cities?

  3. Research the targets for this goal. Start by using this website and feel free to do your own research as well.

  4. Record what you know now that you didn’t know before? Type up bullet points and write any notes down.

  5. Summarise what you have learned about this goal and what the targets and indicators are.

  6. Take action by considering how sustainable your city, town or rural area is? Can you think of any improvements that could made? To help you decide this have a look at the work being done in new sustainable housing in Dubai as shown in this video The Sustainable City or this video which gives the views of some people living in other world cities: Habitat 3: How could your city be more sustainable?

  7. Capture and share by contacting a school in another region of your country and comparing the sustainability of your city/town/rural area. To make this easier prepare a list of good sustainable things in your area and compare and discuss your top 5 items with the other school. You could make the call on Skype.

Educator Notes

To make easier:

Have a discussion on how sustainable your city or town is. How does it compare with cities in the videos above?

To provide further challenge:

  1. Have a look at this video: India Crowded Cities

    1. Have a class discussion on why you think Ranjit wants to move to the city? Would you ever want to move to the country from the city (or stay in the country)?

    2. List some reasons this may be the case!

  2. Once you have completed the Skype call with the school in another city consider whether they have any cool sustainable things that would be good in your area.

  3. Discuss in the class the best one and vote for someone to write to your local mayor suggesting your city use it.

Useful links