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Goal 16 - Promote just, peaceful and inclusive societies

Let's promote and achieve a peaceful, just and inclusive society for everyone.

Goal 16 of the Sustainable Development Goals is dedicated to the promotion of peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, the provision of access to justice for all, and building effective, accountable institutions at all levels.

Learn more on the UN website here...


Video: UN: New Secretary-General Guterres appeals for world peace

What is Peace?

by Alex Bryant

The United Nations aims to make the world a more peaceful place. At the end of this challenge you will design and create a poster that supports and promotes peace.

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Video: Coexistence - on the seam


by Stephen Bryant

Have you heard of the Coexistence art project?

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Social Inclusion: Karen people in Thailand

by Stephen Bryant

The Karen people are an ethnic group living in the border regions of Northern Burma and Northern Thailand with poor "social inclusion". Living in an isolated and mountainous region has meant they lack full rights to the land they live on.

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Video: John F. Kennedy Tribute to Dag Hammarskjöld - 1961

The UN in the 1960’s 

by Stephen Bryant

What did children learn about the UN in the 1960's in New Zealand? Can you play detective for a pupil at the time?

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Video: Ending poverty and hunger

How do we Measure the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s): No Poverty Case Study?

by Stephen Bryant

Is the UN successfully reducing global poverty?

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Video: Change the Way You Think About Age! Centenarians Answer the Right Questions...

What is Age Discrimination and how can we stop it?

by Stephen Bryant

Do we discriminate against older people? Do they have anything to offer us?

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Video: A world without information? Right to Information and SDGs

A World Without Information 

by Stephen Bryant

How do journalists help us preserve freedom of speech?

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Video: Learning about SDG 11

Sustainable Development Goal 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.

by Stephen Bryant

How well do our cities or settlements live up to this goal?

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Video: Millie Bobby Brown hosting UNICEF 70th Anniversary Special Event

What are UNICEF ambassadors? 

by Molly Crossland

Find out how some of the celebrities you know and recognise use their influence in partnership with UNICEF to spread awareness of the inequalities and poverty that exists in the developing world. 

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Video: What is UNCAC?

Why are some people corrupt? 

by Stephen Bryant

Corruption, bribery, theft and tax evasion cost some US $1.26 trillion for developing countries per year. This amount of money could be used to lift those who are living on less than $1.25 a day above $1.25 for at least six years.

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Video: Rule of Law, Peace and Security (Short clip)

What is the “rule of law”? 

by Stephen Bryant

Why is creating a strong "rule of law" important for creating peaceful societies?

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Video: The history of the Cuban Missile Crisis - Matthew A. Jordan

What are nuclear threats? Why do they disrupt peace?

by Molly Crossland

Deconstruct the term ‘nuclear threat’ by explaining what it means in regards to threats of warfare. You will look at the history of the cold war to understand where this terms comes from and its significance. 

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Video: Building effective  accountable and inclusive institutions to achieve sustainable development

UN Sustainable Development Goal 16: Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions 

by Stephen Bryant

Find out why Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions are vital in having a peaceful world

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Video: A Soldier's Loss of Faith

Scarred Lands Videos : Vietnam : A Soldier's Loss of Faith and Agent Orange

by Stephen Bryant

The Scarred Lands videos portray very strongly the human cost of the Vietnam war.

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Video: David Beckham: Violence can mark children forever | #ENDviolence

UNICEF #endviolence 

by Stephen Bryant

Violence against children takes many forms. Learn more from soccer star and UNICEF Ambassador, David Beckham

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Video: Weapons of Mass Destruction: Threats and Responses

Weapons of Mass Destruction : Threats & Responses 

by Stephen Bryant

When we think of weapons of mass destruction we often think of nuclear weapons but there are other types of weapons.

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Video: A world without information? Right to Information and SDGs

In what ways do governments stop corruption? 

by Stephen Bryant

In the accompanying webquest we looked at why people are corrupt. In this webquest we look at how governments stop corruption from happening. 

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Video: Service and Sacrifice: United Nations Peacekeeping

Why are some countries unsafe to travel in? 

by Stephen Bryant

An important part of the UN’s work is to encourage world peace. There remain many areas though where violence makes it unsafe to visit. 

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Video: What Is Justice?: Crash Course Philosophy #40

What is a justice system? 

by Molly Crossland

Why do we follow a set of rules outlined by a justice system? What is our justice system? Why, when enforced efficiently, does it promote peace? 

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Video: Hidden Scars: Years of war psychologically damage traumatized Syrian children

How does war affect children in the developing world? 

by Molly Crossland

We know that war in developing countries heavily impacts governments and politics, but how do children fare when growing up surrounded by violence? How would their day to day lives compare to yours? 

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Video: Junior Tax Facts

What are taxes? How do they help society? 

by Molly Crossland

Discover what taxation is and how government spending helps solve inequalities; by asking why do adults have to give some of their money to the government? Where does this money go? What would happen to our community if no one paid their taxes?  

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Video: It is time. Ban nuclear weapons now!

Why nuclear disarmament would keep peace between countries. 

by Molly Crossland

Discover what the term nuclear disarmament means and why it would result in peacekeeping between superpower countries that have the potential to inflict mass destruction.

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Video: Using Social Media For Change

How can social media change the world? 

by Molly Crossland

Most of you will understand social media as apps to share your photos, videos and personal messages with others. Explain why campaigns for equality are significantly impacted by the power to reach a global audience through social media. 

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Video: WOMEN'S RIGHT TO VOTE - A Kid Explains History, Episode 18

A world without the first feminist movement.

by Molly Crossland

Who were the suffragettes and what did they stand for? What would the world today be like without the feminist movement that took place over 100 years ago? 

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Video: Emma Watson to United Nations: I'm a feminist

What is feminism? 

by Molly Crossland

Explain what feminism is. What is the real definition of the word behind the #HEforSHE movement that empowers gender equality?

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Video: What Is Corruption? -APC

What is corruption? 

by Molly Crossland

What exactly is corruption and why does it threaten peaceful communities and society at large? 

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Video: Join the Buy Social revolution...

What is social enterprise? 

by Molly Crossland

What is an enterprise? What makes it 'social'? Discover why social enterprises are shaping the business industry and changing our world for the better.

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Refugees arriving in Europe Image from the DailyPnut Website

The Refugee Crisis and how you can help

by Alex Bryant

There is an ongoing refugee crisis around the world. Millions of people have been displaced from their homes. Because this is such a big issue around the world it is hard to know what the best ways to help refugees are.

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Video: The United Nations: History and Functions

Why was the United Nations created? 

by Molly Crossland

When, why and how did the United Nations come to be? Let’s explore why some of the most powerful countries in the world decided to join together for the sake of upholding world peace. 

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Video: It is time. Ban nuclear weapons now!

Why nuclear disarmament would keep peace between countries. 

by Molly Crossland

Discover what the term nuclear disarmament means and why it would result in peacekeeping between superpower countries that have the potential to inflict mass destruction. 

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Video: Nuclear Devastation

Scarred Lands Videos: Nuclear testing

by Stephen Bryant

Nuclear testing has a devastating effect on our Pacific region. Learn more about this important issue and figure out how to take positive action!

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International Disarmament Institute

What does disarmament mean?

by Alex Bryant

The United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) promotes Nuclear Disarmament and Non-Proliferation. This means they aim to reduce military forces and weapons and prevent more countries from gaining weapons of mass destruction (WMD).

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The Standby Team of Mediation Advisors Image from the UN Political Affairs website

How the United Nations prevents and mediates conflicts

by Alex Bryant

The United Nations promotes international peace. The organisation aims to stop disputes from becoming conflicts and to stop conflicts spreading once they start. 

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United Nations Peacekeeping Image from Encyclopaedia Britannica

The United Nations and Peacekeeping

by Alex Bryant

Ever wondered how the UN helps countries in conflict create peace? The UN Peacekeepers are a big part of creating peace.

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Video: The European Refugee Crisis and Syria Explained

The Syrian refugee crisis.

by Molly Crossland

Your challenge is to figure out and confront why refugees are forced to leave their country. Why did they have to leave in the first place? What could peace and disarmament mean in solving the refugee crisis in Syria? 

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Video: The refugee crisis is a test of our character | David Miliband

The refugee crisis and how you can help

by Alex Bryant

Find out about what the 'refugee crisis' is, how it affects people and what happens. Learn how to support people in this situation and take action!

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Video: What is the Human Rights Council?

What is the Human Rights Council?

by Rob Clarke

Learn about the Human Rights Council - how it was formed, its history and how it works

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The United Nations Security Council photo from the United Nations

The United Nations Security Council

by Alex Bryant

Why was the United Nations Security Council formed? Who are the members, and what does veto power mean? What are the aims of the UN Security Council?  

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Tau Te Mauri - Breath of Peace

Resource - Disarmament - Breath of Peace

by Rob Clarke

This resource is related to the DVD Breath of Peace.

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Tau Te Mauri - Breath of Peace

Disarmament and the Breath of Peace

by Julie Reason

Learn how New Zealand became a world leader in nuclear disarmament. Discover how our peaceful principles, people power and sheer determination created the most successful anti-nuclear campaign the world has ever seen.

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