DioNews - Christmas 2022
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Dio Communications
Waikato Diocesan School for Girls is delighted to announce the appointment of Lynn Johnstone as its new Deputy Principal - Operations. She joins us from her current role as Head of the Department of Physical Education and Health at Hamilton Girls’ High School - a role she has held for 16 years.
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Arts Faculty
End-of-Year Information and News
*Graduation Ball * Year 9 Grandparents Day *Carol Service *Junior Prize-Giving
We are currently inviting expressions of interest for Homestay families for 2023.
Congratulations to the following students who completed Gateway programmes and vocational pathway courses this year, often during weekends, teacher-only days and school holidays.
As I write this, we sit on the cusp of our Christmas break and perhaps more than ever, in these challenging times, we can all appreciate the need for a pause.
The school community says farewell and thank you to the following staff members.
Our Get2Go team are currently on Great Barrier Island competing in the Torpedo7 Get2Go final.
Congratulations to Dux of Year 10 and Bank of New South Wales Shield recipient Jacqueline Li.
Last Thursday, our Year 9s and some Year 10s who were not at camp or Habitat spent extended form time and last period playing games, swimming, eating iceblocks and connecting with friends. The wind and slightly cooler temperatures didn't hamper the good mood - especially for those brave souls who got in the pool! Thank you to Mr Watson and the teachers who joined in the fun.
After a two-year COVID disruption, It has been exciting to see the relaunch of our exchange partnership with Downe House School, Berkshire, UK.
We have so many ham puns we can make to urge you to order your Christmas ham, but the truth is, you just need to do it because the supermarket ones just aren’t as good as ours.
There was huge interest from our seniors to be involved in leadership roles in 2023. Congratulations to everyone who will lead their school as arts and sports captains, peer support leaders, or on the councils below.
Thank you to our Dio Old Girls' Association for their generous support of the Class of 2022 Graduation Ball held last Saturday at Claudelands Arena.
Term Four: 17 October - 13 December
Bliss Enterprise, Emma Bartram and Beth Steele (absent Tessa Smyth) travelled to Wellington last week to represent Dio and the region in the Young Enterprise Trust Nationals. Bliss was placed first in the region for their business, selling jars/recyclable packets filled with dry ingredients to make delicious bliss balls. They also won excellence in sales and marketing and were highly commended for leadership.
Waikato Diocesan School for Girls is seeking expressions of interest for 2023 Sports Coaches.
This year, as part of the Year 10 Social Studies programme, all Year 10s had the opportunity to work with Habitat for Humanity and participate in a day helping paint houses for two deserving families in Horotiu and Ngaruawahia. Habitat staff and the Dio students spent two days at each house, painting the interior of one house and the exterior of the other.
Last week, our Year 10 students were at Tihoi on camp. They had a wonderful time kayaking, orienteering, experiencing solo native bush excursions, and swimming. Thanks to all the staff who supported the camp students and ensured they had a rewarding experience.
Some rights reserved Waikato Diocesan School for Girls , 2024