DioNews, Term 1, Issue 2
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Please refer to the website's online calendar for other important dates and the most up-to-date information.
Kezia Schuitemaker
Last month, Dio's Kezia Schuitemaker travelled to New York City to perform at Carnegie Hall as part of the High School Honors Performance Series - limited to the highest-rated young performers in the world! Kezia shares some of her wonderful experiences below.
Waikato Police are aware of an incident which took place in Hamilton last week where a young person was approached by an unknown male and offered a ride home. Police are investigating this matter and believe it is timely to remind parents/caregivers and their children of have to keep safe in this situation.
Our Dio catering team and other restaurants and households are feeling the pinch of the country’s supply chain issues, which Cyclone Gabrielle and freight issues have significantly impacted.
The PPTA Te Wehengarua has advised the Board of Trustees of Waikato Diocesan School for Girls that teachers at our school will join their colleagues across New Zealand in a national one-day strike on Thursday, 16 March, as a result of a breakdown in collective agreement negotiations.
We recently received a special koha from a member of our Dio family.
Dio has a dedicated career website with career news, upcoming career events and other career information available to students and parents.
We started our Association year by hosting the traditional Year 9 Meet and Greet after the Meet the Teacher afternoon on Friday, 17 February. On a balmy Hamilton evening, it was held on the Cherrington Lawn, under the trees. It was great to share time and connect with our Year 9 families. Thank you to those who were able to join us and to the staff that could attend
Kia ora, ko Jamie toku ingoa, and I am the very proud head student of Te Kura Piihopatanga o Waikato this year. I am privileged to lead alongside my close friend, Petra Pratt-Rink - deputy head student - and a very strong student leadership full of diverse and motivated waahine.
A warm Dio welcome to the following new members of staff.
Waikato Diocesan School For Girls’ major production for 2023 is Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
I was recently trying to prepare for the Ash Wednesday Eucharist when I realised I needed one more chalice. But there was the only one left, and it looked “real bad” - so bad my adverbs were turning into adjectives. And that’s not OK.
This popular Dio fundraising event will be held in the school gym on Friday, 12 May.
Congratulations to all our Dio athletes currently representing Dio in our summer sports.
Some rights reserved Waikato Diocesan School for Girls , 2024