DioNews Term 4, Issue 2 2022
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Dio Communications
Term Four: 17 October - 13 December
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Renee Beere
Everyone was a winner at the annual Dio School Association Golf Day fundraiser held at Ngaruawahia Golf Club on 2 October. The sun shone, the golf was strong, and there was plenty of laughter and fun had by all. Thank you to all players, sponsors and supporters.
STAR Coordinator
Following is some information on the ready-made Gateway programmes running in 2023.
Emily Donderwinkel
Head to our website, www.mrgoodfellow.co.nz, where you can order anything from large glazed Christmas hams to slabs of delicious gin syrup-soaked gingerbread or even some marinated steaks for the BBQ. Pick up your order while collecting your daughter from school - or we can arrange delivery. And to make your Christmas parties even easier, you could order delivered catering! This can also be done via the website. GET ORDERING!
Mary Curran
It is with much sadness that I announce the resignation of two long-serving and dedicated staff members Mrs Theresa Miller, Deputy Principal of Senior School, and Ms Louise Simich, Senior Guidance Counsellor.
A warm Dio welcome to the following new members of staff.
Reverend Stephen Black
On the 9th of August 1173, construction began on one of the most famous towers in the world. A generous widow bequeathed enough stones to lay a foundation, and within a few years, a ground floor with a blind arcade was established. In 1178 engineers added another floor in marble.
Dio Arts Department
At the end of Term 3, our students competed in the Waikato Secondary Schools’ Culinary Fare in September - showcasing their talents in a wide variety of culinary arts, from cakes and cold desserts to mystery boxes and burgers. Everyone who entered did a fantastic job, and we came away with five gold awards, 11 silver awards and 14 bronze awards as well as the top school title!
You’re invited to the BioBlitz with The Fairfield Project. It’s a fun, free event for the whole family - you’ll help us search high and low to find all sorts of creatures and learn heaps in hands-on workshops.
Dio Day, organised by our incredible student leaders, was a time for fun and to celebrate Dio friendships and our special school. Check out the images from the day in the Photo Galleries section of this publication. #dioday2022 #makingmemories #thediodifference
The 2022 Waikato Diocesan School Yearbook will be available in a digital or printed hard-copy format.
Dio Sports Office
The Dio 1st XI cricket team has again qualified for the Nationals in December after a convincing showing at the Northern District qualifier.
Dio's Bliss Enterprise (Emma Bartram, Beth Steele and Tessa Smyth) took home top honours at the Waikato-King Country Young Enterprise Scheme Awards, placing first in the region for their popular line of bliss ball mixes. They now head to the YES National Awards Finals, which will take place on December 6 at Atura Wellington.
Poipoia Te Kākano Kia Puawai - Nurture The Seed, And It Will Blossom.
Here is the final issue of the student magazine Noise for 2022! Featuring the solved murder mystery and an exclusive interview with Mr K.
Photos from the recent Arts Showcase, Sports Awards, Arts Awards, Prize-Giving, Dio Day and Founders Day can be viewed here.
Some rights reserved Waikato Diocesan School for Girls , 2024