Term 4, Week 8, Pānui 2023

Courageous Ōtākaro Swimmers

Ōtākaro ākonga have been dolphin diving, blowing bubbles or just floating like a mushroom.
by Jon Mokotupu

These are a number of different techniques that our ākonga have been learning at the swimming pool.  They were courageous and daring to try new skills like jumping into deeper water, kicking with a flutter board and water safety techniques.  Take a look the snapshots from our first week.    

Terrific Kids 2023

Tuesday 28th November saw a select group of Wairakei children take to the stage to receive their Terrific Kid award.
by Simon Adkins

Each year a local service club, Kiwanis Club of North West Christchurch, generously approach Wairakei so that they can acknowledge children who quietly have a positive attitude, good character and are responsible citizens. Here at Wairakei School it’s a difficult job narrowing down the list - but it’s a job we love doing.

This year's winners received their certificate and prize from Ian and Marg. The 'Terrific Kid' recipients in 2023 were Damien, Kymani, Izzy, JJ, Kol, Kyrah, Maia, Lyra, Rane and Jayda.