👬Welcome to Josh and Lewis who have recently started as new entrants with us !!
As you will be aware by now we have our Parent / Student / Teacher Conferences coming up for Years 4 - 8 in the next couple of weeks. A separate article has been sent to Te Awa (for the Year 4's), Te Ngahere and Te Maunga parents around booking appointments. Attached is the original article sent as a reminder.
Our SKIDS Before and After School programme organisers have been promoting their activities during the lunch times this week and this has been a lot of fun for students. SKIDS will be offering a holiday programme again this term. Please check out the separate article which gives detail of the activities planned for the upcoming holiday programme.
The WSSPA Disco is also coming up on June 29th. A separate Disco is held for the Te Hapua and Te Awa students from 6.15 pm til 7.30 pm with Te Ngahere and Te Maunga students coming at 7.45 pm till 9.00 pm. Please read the article attached for more information as helpers are required for both events on the night.
We have been experiencing some minor vandalism around the school in recent times. Please help us to look after our school outside of school hours by using the grounds respectfully and contacting us or the Police should you notice any activity that you have concerns about. We do have security cameras around the school but would appreciate your assistance in looking after our school grounds and buildings.
With the weather conditions this week the Rakahuri Zone Cross Country had to be postponed till tomorrow Friday, so good luck to all competing.
A reminder to all parents to name their child's clothing as we get many requests for lost clothing and can only give back what we find if it is named. Many thanks for your support in this.
Adrienne Simpson
Acting Principal.