Welcome to Term 4 the last term of the year, and already we are nearly through Week 2 !!
Welcome to; Quintin, Vincent, Luca, Ariana, Lily and Sam who have all started this term.
All the teams are frantically practicing for production. There have been lots of notices coming home about ticket sales and costuming. Please talk to the Team Leaders if you are unsure about any of the requirements for your child. We are looking forward to another amazing event on the 12th and 13th November.
Jump Jam
We have a team competing in the South Island Extreme Jump Jam competition on Saturday 3rd November. We appreciate all the hard work that Hannah Lumsden and Pip Haigh are doing to prepare the team for this event. They will be doing a dress rehearsal next Wednesday afternoon in the Community Centre at 2.45 pm for the whole school. Anyone else is welcome to come along ! We wish them well in this exciting event.
We had a very successful senior Athletics day last Thursday once the weather cleared with many of our students going on to represent Woodend at the Pegasus Zones on Tuesday 5th November (p.p. Friday 8th). Good luck to all the participants who will compete at Ashgrove school grounds. Mrs French is looking for parent helpers with transport and activities. Please contact her if you are available: Email l.french@woodend.school.nz
Sausage Sizzle:
A reminder. Please make sure that the orders are written out before the children come to school with their order, their full name, the amount enclosed and their team name e.g. Combo 1, $5.00, Johnny Bloggs, Te Awa. We are finding that when children are filling out their orders on the Friday morning, errors are being made. This would really help the team processing the orders on a Friday morning as it gets very busy in the office area !!
Using School Grounds Afterhours:
We are very happy to see students and other family members using our school grounds respectfully after school hours now the days are lengthening and the evenings are lighter. Please ensure that any children riding their bikes are wearing helmets. If you see any activity that is not safe or respectful of our grounds please advise the school office on office@woodend.school.nz or if needed call the Police.
Email Policy:
At the Board meeting on Monday night, the Board adopted an Email Policy for Woodend School.
"Email is a good way to communicate with staff as there is limited time for conversation other than quick messages before and after school".
Any emails sent to teachers after school hours or in the evening will not be required to be replied to before the next day.
Parents are to use emails, not contact teachers on personal cell phones or through social media.
Staff email address formula - first letter of the first name.surname@woodend.school.nz
e.g. a.simpson@woodend.school.nz
We appreciate your support in this area.
Adrienne Simpson