Woodend School Newsletter - 15th September 2023 # No: 17

In this issue

Tēnā Koutou Katoa

It has been so nice to see the sun shining this week as Spring has arrived. The school has been a busy hive of activity during the last 2 weeks and WOW what an outstanding two performances of our school productions last week. Congratulations to our lead cast and all students involved. Also a massive thank you to Mrs Bartlett for writing and directing the production, also to Mr Crawford, Mrs Parker, and Pip for their help.

This is the last newsletter for term 3 and on reflection it has been a busy term- starting with our Matariki celebration week and breakfast, ERO visit, North Canterbury Cantamaths, Canterbury Cantamaths, Music Festival, winter sports tournament, assemblies and wharemanu days, Te Ngahere camp, Year 7 at Technology, Kapa Haka festival, school disco, Jump Jam, Cycle sense, Canterbury Cricket, and our school production. Good luck to all our students involved in the Koru games next week.

Term 4 Teacher Only Day- Thursday 16th Nov (Week 6)

Our next Teacher Only Day for Woodend School is on Thursday 16th Nov aligning with the Kātote Kāhui Ako - Kaiapoi / Pegasus Schools cluster. The Teacher Only day is a Ministry of Education accredited day that allows our school Professional Development on the New Zealand Curriculum Refresh. Note this is the Thursday before Canterbury Anniversary on the Friday.

Andrew and the Woodend Team


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