Stage One of the YMS Rebuild
Allan Robertson - June 16, 2023
Kia ora YMS whānau
The construction, blessing and opening of these four teaching spaces marks the completion of Stage 1 of our school's rebuild. We can all see that Stage 2 of the rebuild has begin with the demotion of the teaching block that was opening in 1970.
The YMS Board's Role
One of the YMS Boards strategic goals for this year is to:
Develop our ENVIRONMENT to support learning.
Two action plans under the umbrella of this goal are to:
- Provide school buildings that ensure that YMS kaimahi and tamariki have a high quality learning environment.
- Support staff /students in preparing for the move to new teaching spaces.
The current YMS Board is carrying on the work of previous board members who have had the rebuild of YMS in their sights for a number of years.
A Special Thank You
Victoria Shore, a previous YMS Board of Trustees Chairperson, deserves a special mention as someone who has contributed her time each step of the way to help us arrive at where we are now. Victoria was part of the original team who looked at other schools who were rebuilt before us. Victoria took what she saw into account when contributing to the design process that was undertaken to meet the particular needs of of our students. Victoria's input to this process has been invaluable.
Te Huihuika Tākata - The Gathering of the People
During our gathering on Friday 2 June a representative form Ngai tahu, Mrs Liz Hill-Taiaroa, led our students through a joyful process to bless the new learning spaces.
At this ceremony our YMS Board's Presiding Member, Mrs Jessica Middleton presented a kōrero. Here are some excerpts from Jessica's kōrero.
Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini (Success is not the work of an individual, but the work of many)
Jessica also reminded us that;
Today, we not only celebrate the physical structures before us but also the values and aspirations that they represent.
And with the akonga in mind Jessica challenged our akonga to;
Dream big, work hard, and never doubt the incredible things you are capable of achieving.
Our students supported Jessica's kōrero with a waiata.
Placement of students in the new buildings
For the remainder of this year students will be in the learning spaces they are in now. Once Stage 2 of the rebuild is completed then all students will be in brand new purpose built learning spaces. This will mean that what is currently our Rimu Classroom will be able to recommissioned as our library for the use of all students.
Good things take time
The journey to where we are now started over five years ago. The rebuild journey has had a few twists and turns along the way so it is especially pleasing to see the efforts of so many people coming to fruition.
Thank you again to all who have contributed. And it does bear repeating:
Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini (Success is not the work of an individual, but the work of many).
Ngā mihi
Allan Robertson
Tumuaki - Yaldhurst Model School