by Catherine Corcoran

Maths Whizz - Home Learning

If you are keen to give your child a boost with their Maths learning, get them onto Maths Whizz for as little as 15 minutes, two or three times a week.

Every child at YMS has a Maths Whizz account and has completed the initial assessment that allows Maths Whizz to intuitively adjust the learning to meet the individual needs of each learner.

Maths Whizz provides tutoring, practise, assessment and maintenance across the Mathematics curriculum.

Some time is made available in class but Maths Whizz is also provided as Home Learning for all YMS students.

45 Minutes & Three Progressions a Week

This is a YMS child's Maths Whizz dashboard. It shows that with an average of approximately 45 minutes a week and three progressions, this child improved their Maths age by a year and a half between mid February and early December - 18 months improvement in 10 months.

Image by: Catherine Corcoran

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