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Yaldhurst School Tōtara Tūkaha

Things to know about Yaldhurst School

All you may need to know about YSTT is included here.  If you don't find the information you need on this page then please contact or phone 03 3427 933.


Food at School

by Allan Robertson

There are so many wonderfully healthy choices for student lunch boxes. Putting aside a few extra minutes each morning to pack a nutritious lunch means your child will have the fuel they need to ensure energy and concentration they need for the school day.

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School Hours and Bell Times

by Allan Robertson

Please see how our day is set out for optimum engagement in learning.

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A Guide to Reporting at YSTT

by Catherine Corcoran

Our teachers update your child's progress and achievement information as part of our mid and end-of-year reporting procedures. You can access this information by logging into your Hero account.

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Communication at YSTT

by Allan Robertson

YSTT staff pride themselves on their open, informative and friendly communication.

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Subway Lunches available every Thursday

by Yaldhurst Secretary

Order online before Thursday 8 am.

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Maths Whizz - Home Learning

by Catherine Corcoran

If you are keen to give your child a boost with their Maths learning, get them onto Maths Whizz for as little as 15 minutes, two or three times a week.

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New Entrant Orientation

by Allan Robertson

The exciting steps to starting school!

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Our Yaldhurst School Tōtara Tūkaha Values

by Allan Robertson

YSTT is a Values driven school: The YSTT HERO Values provide a learning lens that underpins all learning and relationships within our school community. We put our values into action! At YSTT we are 'Learning for Life'.

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Yaldhurst School Tōtara Tūkaha School

by Yaldhurst Secretary

At YSTT a uniform promotes a sense of unity and pride among our students. Please ensure that your child/ren wear their school uniform every day.

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Reporting Student Absences

by Allan Robertson

We love all of our students being at school but if due to illness or other reasons they cannot attend it is important to notify the school before 8.55am of the reason for the absence.

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Allergies, Asthma Plans - Medications, Severe Medical Conditions and Accidents

by Lynda Ingram

Please let the office know if your contact details or address have changed. Working together we grow healthy students.

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Road Safety

Working together to make school "drop off" and "pick up" safe.

by Allan Robertson

At YSTT we all strive to be YSTT HEROs and one of our values is being Responsible Citizens. Let's all make sure that we are sending a consistent message to the children around health and safety - especially on the roads.

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Swimming and the School Pool

by Allan Robertson

It is wonderful to have a school pool that the community can use over the swimming season. Each year all children undertake swimming lessons as well as utilising the pool for fun swimming.

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Year 4 - 8, ACER C734 Chromebook Purchase Bundle Deal, 2024/2025

by Allan Robertson

Chromebooks, coupled with superb teaching, enable our Year 4 - 8 students to be empowered, visible and connected learners.

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Family and Whānau Information about e-Leaning at YSTT

by Allan Robertson

YSTT is part of The Uru Mānuka Cluster. All Year 4 - 8 students work on Chromebooks. All Year 0 - 3 students have access to Apple iPads. These e-learning affordances enable our students to learn, create and share online.

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Writing Time in TK

Yaldhurst School Tōtara Tūkaha Panui (Newsletter) Archive

by Allan Robertson

Please read our school panui here.

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Reading with Sarah

Supporting Learning At Home

by Allan Robertson

Learning is a journey that students, school and whānua embark on together.

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Wheels Day

Wheels Day Everyday - Enjoy our Scooter Track

by Allan Robertson

Scooters, skates and skateboards are welcome at school every day. Helmets must be worn. No bikes please.

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Our People

by Allan Robertson

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