A Guide to Reporting at YSTT
Twice a year, at the end of Term 2 and Term 4, your child's teacher makes an overall teacher judgement (OTJ), to give an indication of your child's progress and achievement in Reading, Writing and Mathematics.
An OTJ is based on multiple observations and pieces of evidence, collated by teachers over a wide time period. The YMS teachers work together to compare and discuss samples of learning to ensure our judgements are robust and consistent.
What do the dials mean?
The NZ Curriculum levels span at least two year groups. For example, expected progress through Level 2 could begin at the end of Year 2 and extend into Year 5. It is also not unusual for a child to be working on goals at two adjacent curriculum levels.
The dials can help parents track and see progress within these levels, which can be reassuring when it seems your child has been on a particular level for a long time.
The green section of the dial indicates goals that have been achieved, the yellow section indicates current goals, and the grey section indicates future goals.
Teachers reset the goals as the learning happens throughout the year. To see what your child has recently achieved, click on See Recently Completed.The photo indicates which teacher assessed and considered the goal achieved.
How do I read the graphs?
The black line on the graph shows your child's OTJs in the middle and end of each year they have been at school.
The green channel indicates At expectation, the blue section indicates Above expectation , and the creamy pink section indicates Below Expectation.
It can be normal for the black line to:
dip in and out of the green channel - at the top and bottom
be horizontal from one reporting period to another
Whichever section of the graph, the most important thing is for the black line to be steadily moving upwards.
Hero Learning Posts
Throughout this first half of the year, you will see samples of learning (artifacts) from other curriculum areas (Science, Health & PE, The Arts, Technology) posted on Hero These posts are also an opportunity to share learning beyond the core subjects of Reading, Writing and Mathematics.
No Surprises
YMS aims for there to be no surprises in our reporting to parents. Particularly, if your child needs extra support with their learning, you should know where that black dot on the graph will be before you see it, because a teacher has had a conversation with you about your child's learning and the support being provided.
If you would like to discuss your child's learning, please make an appointment with their teacher.