Our Yaldhurst School Tōtara Tūkaha Values
Our students explore the meaning of the values and learn to be YSTT HEROs in ways that are meaningful to them.
At YSTT we are 'Learning for Life'. The YSTT Values provide our students with a framework to include the skills, key competencies and dispositions they need to lead a happy and fulfilling life that contributes to making our world a better place now and in the future.
Values are chosen concepts linked with patterns of action that provide a sense of meaning that can coordinate our behaviour over long time frames. Values are essentially our code of conduct. They are the compass by which we determine our daily choices and actions. From our values we develop our character.
(Bunting, M. The Mindful Leader, 2016 p.45).
Here is a breakdown of our YSTT Values.
Being Healthy means:
We maintain well-being:
Taha Tinana
Food: Eat what comes from the ground
Drink: Drink what comes from the sky.
Exercise: Get the right amount of exercise
Sleep: Have the right amount of rest
Taha Wairua
Participate in activities to nurture Spiritual well-being
Taha Hinengaro
Participate in activities that promote Mental and emotional well-being
Taha Whānau
Participate in activities to maintain Family and social well-being
Being Enthusiastic means:
We Learn-Create-Share:
Set Learning Goals
Pay attention to teaching
Ask questions
Follow instructions
Voice own ideas
Repeat others’ ideas
Concentrate for sustained periods of time
Plan effectively
Complete tasks well and on time
Work independently or collaboratively
Share ideas, news and new knowledge
Identify and share talents and abilities
Engage with a range of Multi-Modal presentations
Being Responsible means:
We are helpful and kind:
Make Good Choices
Find solutions to problems
Accept that actions and choices have consequences
Join in and work with a group or team
Take turns and follow rules
Care for Others
Speak, listen and treat others respectfully
Explore and care about the rights of others
Care for our Environment
Look after our own property and the property of others
Nurture the environment
Be A Leader and A Role Model
Tell the truth and do the right thing
Follow the expectations of family, school and community
Being Open Minded means:
We are curious to:
Discover and try new things
Communicate with others
Learn in a range of environments
Take risks
Ask for help if I need to
Explore the World
Delve into the unknown by exploring new ideas, new people, new friendships and new skills
Open to other ideas and ways of thinking
Listen to and value the ideas of others
Consider and accommodate new attitudes or opinions, cultures, environments and people
Keep Going
Demonstrates resilience