School Hours and Bell Times
Yaldhurst Model School Bell Times and Learning Sessions
In the morning it is ideal if ākonga arrive at school after 8.30am but with enough time to catch up with friends and organise themselves for the day.
In the afternoon it is great if ākonga are met by their whānau or caregiver and have left the school by 3:15. Children are welcome to stay for longer in the playground as long as they are supervised by a whānau member or caregiver.
8:30 - 8:59 Arriving at school and playing outside
9:00 Learning Time
10:00 Healthy Snack Break and Learning Time
11:00 Playtime
11:20 - 11:30 Morning Tea
11:30 Learning Time
12:30 Play
1:00 Lunch
1:15 - 3:00 Learning Time
3:00 School Finishes for the day
After School Care of Children
Once children are greeted by their parent or caregiver when school has finished the parent/caregiver is responsible for the whereabouts of their own child or children in their care for the afternoon.
Children who are not under the supervision of their parent/caregiver by 3.15pm will be asked to wait in a specified area.