Important Dates
Monday 7: NCEA exams begin
Monday 21: Teacher Only Day
Tuesday 22: Teacher Only Day
Thursday 24: Year 8 Orientation Day
Thursday 24: Year 9 Dance
Saturday 26: Parents' Association Second Hand Uniform Sale
Tuesday 29: Learning From Home Year 9 & 10
Tuesday 29: Year 8 Parent Evening
Thursday 1: Board Meeting
Tuesday 6: Year 13 Leavers' Function
Thursday 8: Year 9 and 10 Final Day
2023 Dates
Term One:
25 January: Yr 12/13 Course confirmation
27 January: Tuākana committee in
30 January: New Yr 10 - 13 student induction/ Student wellbeing committee in
31 January: Tuākana training
1 February: Yr 13 in all day
2 February: Yr 9 in all day
3 February: All students in - details will be sent later this month
6 February: Waitangi Day - no school
17 February: Athletics Day
28 February: Working from Home set up day
17 March: Kahui Ako Teacher Only day - no school
28 March: Curriculum change day - all students Working from Home not at school
6 April: Last day of Term 1
Term Two:
26 April: First day of Term 2 - please note this is a Wednesday
1 June: Curriculum Change Day - all students Working From Home
2 June: Wellington Loop Teacher Only Day - no school
5 June: King's Birthday Observance - no school
15 June: Open Day - only Yr 9 & 12 on site, everyone else WFH
30 June: Last day of Term 2
Term Three:
17 July: First day of Term 3
25 August: Curriculum Change Day - all students WFH
22 September: Last day of Term 3
Term Four:
9 October: First day of Term 4
23 October: Labour Day - no school
31 October: Prizegiving
6 November: NCEA exams start (to 30 November)
8 December: Last day of Term 4
Cultural Awards 2022
Sports Awards 2022
Attendance information
You might be interested in some of the material from the ERO report into attendance.
Visit this articlePoroporoaki
Year 10 Journeys
School lockers for 2023
WCG Parents' Association - November Newsletter
Important dates for 2023
Alert to upcoming teacher only days and Paid Union Meeting
Submit your preloved uniform for the year-end sale!
The end of year, second-hand uniform sale is on Saturday 26 November!
Visit this article