Enrolling Your Child at Avonhead School - Rakipaoa
Avonhead School - December 10, 2023
New Entrants (5yr olds) are usually enrolled by the Assistant Principal. New Entrant children are invited to attend three pre-entry visits to their prospective classroom before starting school. These visits are usually on the three Tuesday mornings prior to the child turning 5 years and are arranged at your pre-entry interview.
In order to verify the child's date of birth, the school is required to sight and retain a copy of your child's birth certificate (original) and an immunisation certificate or the appropriately completed section in the ‘Well Child’ book. If you have chosen not to have your children immunised, this is ok but we need to record that they haven’t or have only been partially immunised. This is a legal requirement of the school. If your child was not born in New Zealand, we also require a copy of yours and your child’s passport. Please bring these documents with you to the enrolment interview and a copy will be taken. In addition we also require two forms of Proof of Residence:
Rates Demand or Rental Agreement AND
Electricity or telephone/internet account
The visits cover basic routines and class activities, so the children can make a more prepared and happy start to school. Parents are encouraged to stay with their child on the first visit although some may need to stay on future visits as well.
Children starting at the beginning of a year are invited to attend three shorter pre-entry visits to their prospective classroom. These visits are held in November of the previous year.
Older children new to the school can be enrolled at the school office.
When children first start school most take time to adjust to the more formal routines and the longer primary school day. This can be very taxing on a five year old and an earlier finishing time is advisable and recommended. For the first week children finish at 2.00pm.
Classification of students at Avonhead - Rakipaoa
When your child arrives at school. He/she will be allocated a year classification. If they arrive before the 1st May, they will be classified as Year 1 and if they arrive any time after this, they will be classified as Year 0.
This classification system is similar to the practice in all NZ schools. We want to ensure that our children do not leave for High School when they are too young.
You may know that the Ministry has a different classification system. Their system uses the 1st July but this is used to calculate school funding and should not be confused with the school classification.
Cohort Entry Dates for New Entrant Students in 2025
Term 1
31 January
3 March
Term 2
28 April
3 June
Term 3
14 July
18 August
Term 4
6 October
10 November
About Our Enrolment Zone
All Children living in our enrolment zone are entitled to attend Avonhead School - Rakipaoa. Enrolments are taken at all levels throughout the year.
Providing there are places available, applications are welcome from those living out of zone.
Our school enrolment zone encompasses the following areas:
Starting from the intersection of Yaldhurst Road and Peer Street;
North East along Peer Street to Waimairi Road
North along Waimairi Road to Maidstone Road
West along Maidstone Road to Withells Road
Including 141 / 141A Withells Road
South West along Withells Road to Yaldhurst Road
South East along the north side only of Yaldhurst Road to Racecourse Road
South West along the east side only of Racecourse Road to Epsom Road
South along Epsom Road to Middlepark Road
North East along Middlepark Road to Yaldhurst Road
South East along Yaldhurst Road to Peer Street
Addresses on both sides of boundary roads are considered in-zone unless specified otherwise.
The enrolment ballots for children living outside of our school zone are: