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by Micah Hocquard

Board of Trustees

Avonhead School - December 31, 2023

Read on for a list of our BOT members, plus our Avonhead School Charter, Strategic Plan, Annual Plan and Annual and ERO Reports.

Board of Trustees 2024

  • Lauren Wilton – Chairperson
  • Jay Grubb – Parent Trustee
  • Deidre McLachlan - Parent Trustee
  • Ari Segaran - Parent Trustee
  • Ruby Rose - Parent Trustee
  • Bruce Rodger – Staff Representative
  • Micah Hocquard – Principal

Our Board of Trustees priorities are:

An Engaged Community: 

  • Excellent Communication between Home, School and Community
  •  Connection with our Wider Community  
  • A Strong Network of Community Support Groups

Effective Collaborative Learning:

  • Collaborative Teaching and Learning Practices
  • Innovative and Flexible Learning Environments
  • Visible Learning and Increased Student Achievement

Contact details:

School Charter

Our Avonhead School Charter, Strategic Plan, Annual Plan and Annual Report is available for download in the Attachments area below.

Target Achievement

A summary of Avonhead School performance against annual targets may be viewed and downloaded from the Attachments below.

ERO Report

The most recent Education Review Office reports are available for downloading. Click here to access the latest Avonhead School Report.

About our Board

Lauren Wilton

Image by: Micah Hocquard

For the past 4 years I have been a parent representative on the Avonhead School Board and became the Board Chair in September 2022.

I have three boys at Avonhead School, Alec (Year 7), Austin (Year 5) and Angus (Year 3). We have thoroughly enjoyed being involved in the school community since Alec started in 2016. I think Avonhead School provides an excellent educational foundation for our tamariki.

I am employed as an Admin Officer at Westburn Primary School and in my spare time I like to spend time with family and friends, get out for a run and head away for adventures in our caravan.

Jay Grubb

Image by: Micah Hocquard

He mihi nui, he mihi mahana ki a koutou.

Ānei ko au tēnei

Ko Kahukura te maunga.

Ko Opāwaho te awa.

Ko Te Whatukura o Papanui tōku marae inaianei.

Nō Otautahi ahau.

Ko Ngāti Tatimana, me Ngāti Pākeha ōku iwi.

Ko Jay Grubb tōku ingoa.

I wanted to become a Board of Trustees representative at Avonhead School in order to give back to a school in a different way. I am the daughter of two teachers, one of whom was BOT Chair at my primary school when I was a child. It was also the same school at which Charles Levings (the previous principal of Avonhead) was my Year 7/8 teacher! So in both these ways I feel I carry the mantle, so to speak. I went to Cashmere High School where my love of theatre, music and Te Ao Māori developed. I gained my BA at the University of Canterbury in Te Reo Māori, English and Theatre. Now I am Head of the Drama department at Papanui High School, where I teach young adults not necessarily just how to aim for the lofty heights of Shortland Street, but also how to build their confidence, work effectively in a group situation and develop mana and leadership skills. I feel like my whole life has and still does revolve around education. My husband Charlie is the Head of Drama at Riccarton High School. We have two children, Lucy and Albie, attending Avonhead, who are in Years 4 & 7. Some of you could well have also seen Granny (Elizabeth Grubb) and Pops (William Grubb) helping out around school with their production assistance and piano playing! The whole whānau is so impressed with the breadth of activities and experiences that are on offer for our tamariki here. The teachers and senior leaders are approachable, inspirational and go above and beyond for their students. I love working alongside the team at Avonhead to continue to foster this solid base for our children's education, and find ways to make the kura even better. It excites me to be delving into another area of education, shifting from the pastoral and practical aspects I am used to and into the management and vital ‘behind the scenes’ kaupapa. I love talking with the parents and teachers of Avonhead and how fantastic it is to finally be able to have some normalcy and face to face contact with each other! I'm always keen to garner opinion and ideas! Every one of us has value after all. E tū tāngata.

Noho ora mai rā koutou kei raro i te korowai o te manaakitanga o tēnei whānau, te whānau o Te Kura o Ōtākaro.

Ari Segaran

Image by: Micah Hocquard

I have been on the Board of Trustees since 2022. I have two children at Avonhead School, a daughter in Year 6 and a son in Year 4.

I enjoy being part of the school community and helping shape the future direction of the school. I have met many friends within this community. My ethnic background is Kiwi/Malaysian/Indian, and my favourite aspect of the school is the way that it embraces its diversity, giving the children a multicultural experience that they wouldn’t get in many other schools.

I am a partner at Cameron & Co Lawyers, based in Upper Riccarton. Outside of work I enjoy spending time with family, travel, television and am a die-hard (and long-suffering) Warriors fan.

Deirdre McLachan

Image by: Micah Hocquard

I have been an active member of the Avonhead school community since my eldest daughter started in 2016. I have been involved in the Friends and Whanau Association since it began and have enjoyed being involved in many fundraising activities for the school.

After training and working as a nurse in Ireland, I have worked as a cardiology nurse in St. Georges Hospital for the last six years. I am a very active person as a committee member and coach at Harewood Hockey Club, as well as playing camogie with the local Irish society.

Deirdre McLachan

Image by: Micah Hocquard

Kia ora all, ko Ruby Rose ahau. I am new to the Board of Trustees 2023, and I have a son going into Year 4 in 2024 (where does the time go!) at Avonhead Primary School. Education wise, I have my Masters in Psychology where my research was based on Kaupapa Māori Youth Programmes whilst my Undergraduate degree was in psychology and te reo Māori. My work history is centred around administration and youth development, spending a number of years in Care and Protection with youth. My current work is supporting first year students in Education and Health at the University of Canterbury – Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha both academically and pastorally. My child means the world to me, as I’m sure yours do to you. I see his education as the gateway to his future. I want to make a positive contribution, not just for my son but for the systems and all the people supporting him on that journey. Who and what is that system...I liken it to a school village; - parents, teachers, fellow students, support agencies and community. All of these things resonate with me. As someone who went through the bilingual system, and as a solo young mum, I had my share of struggles but I had the opportunity to get a good education. I know what a difference it can make. Now I’m wanting to give back to that village

Bruce Rodger

Image by: Micah Hocquard

Kia ora. My name is Bruce Rodger and I am the staff representative on the Board of Trustees. I am the team leader of Team 7/8. I have been teaching for 23 years now here in Christchurch. I was trained at the Christchurch College of Education, which later became part of Canterbury University. I am a dad to two awesome children. I am an avid sports fan, and I am particularly passionate about rugby and cricket. I still occasionally get out for a game of cricket when I can. My passions outside of school are DIY, gardening and adventuring out into our amazing country.

Micah Hocquard

Image by: Micah Hocquard

Tēnā koutou Avonhead whānau,

Ko Te Mata te maunga

Ko Tukituki te awa

Ko Ngāti Porou te iwi

Nō Heretaunga ahau

Ko Micah Hocquard tōku ingoa

He tumuaki ahau ki te kura ō Avonhead

I am the proud father of two beautiful girls, Mathilda (11) and Daisy (8), and my wife, Emma, is also a teacher. I enjoy sport, especially hockey and rugby, I attempt to play the guitar, and I love spending time with my family and friends. 

I’m passionate about education and helping children to be the best that they can be. As an educator, I aspire to nurture and grow learners who are confident, respectful, responsible, and engaged. As a leader and colleague, I want to always develop a culture of kindness, inclusiveness, and family. 

Avonhead School has a strong reputation for growing excellence. This is made possible by the experienced staff, brilliant teaching facilities, innovative approaches to education, and a supportive and engaged community.