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Balmoral SDA School

BSDA Panui Term 3 #4

COMMUNITY CHURCH - We will be conducting a special community church service at Royal Oak SDA Church located on 48 Mt Smart Road, Royal Oak from 10:30am - 12:00pm on Saturday 24 Sept, 2022. All students are to assemble at the back of the church hall in FULL school uniform by 10:30am.

QUEEN ELIZABETH II MEMORIAL DAY - This will take place on Monday 26 September 2022. There is NO SCHOOL on this day.

SCHOOL FUNDRAISER - We are selling a limited number of school beanies for $20.00 each at the front office. All profits will go towards our school beautification projects.

ABSENCES - Please contact the school on (09) 638 7903 or text 022 508 7903 or email before 8:30am to notify absence, reason and when they will be returning back to school.

ATTENDANCE DUES - School fees are $147.50 per term per student. Please ensure your attendance dues are up to date as we have our final term coming up.


Message from Tumuaki/Principal - Mrs Brown

by Mrs Mary Brown

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Chaplain corner with Pr Ama

by Pastor Ama Pahulu

We are reaching the end of the term and indeed God has been so good to us.

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Reflection of Term 3

by Ms Mariana Lote

Can you believe we're going into the last week of term 3?! This term has gone too fast, let alone, this year!

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Wrapping up Term 3...

by Mrs Jordana Ryu

Room 4 akōnga (learners) have been learning about the Beatitudes, Kandinsky themed art, fictional narrative and procedural writing, and started planning their Science Fair projects! Stay posted for the Learning Expo where we will showcase our Science Fair projects in term 4!

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Video: You Are my hiding Place

You Are My Hiding Place.

by Mrs Noeline Timothy

'Trusting GOD' is a theme through the Room 3 favourite worship songs.

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Video: Ready, set, go

Ready, set, go...

by Ms Benetta Faualo

Room 2 are ready for holidays but in the meantime we are enjoying our unit on Creativity and Expression.

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by Balmoral SDA School

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