Newsletter 20 October 2023

Bethlehem Kid Awards - Week 2

Bethlehem Kid Qualities - To develop learners who reflect our school values by being respectful, responsible and resilient.
by Margie Jordan

Olivia Mason (Room 2) Respectful, Responsible

Well done Olivia for your fantastic progress with your learning since your return last term. You are consistently working hard and you can be very proud of your efforts and progress! Ka pai!

Rika Osuka (Room 3) Resilient

What a wonderful start you have made here at Bethlehem School Rika! You have done an excellent job of giving lots of new activities a go and making new friends this term. Well done. 

Fletcher Gemming (Room 4) Resilient, Responsible

Fletcher, you have been positive throughout this year when it has come to applying new strategies to your learning and taking on feedback. You show a growth mindset in class and enjoy sharing your thoughts and ideas in class. Well done.

Sophie Redfearn (Room 5) Responsible

Sophie, you are an active learner who gives her best at all activities. From discus throwing to writing various sentence styles, you give it 100%. You love to learn and you also love to share your learning, often helping others to understand a concept that you have mastered. You truly are a fabulous role model. Ka pai!

Brax Du-Plooy Tangiiti (Room 6) Responsible

Brax, you have made very pleasing progress in your reading. You are reading with greater fluency and are able to answer a range of comprehension questions. Keep up the great work.

Levi Leef (Room 7) Responsible, Resilient

Levi, you have had a great start back to Term 4. I have been impressed with your learning this week. You are consistently trying to challenge yourself! Keep it up!.

Quinn Naude (Room 8) Respectful, Responsible, Resilient

Quinn, you continue to show kindness to your peers and always lend a helping hand when needed. Well done for challenging yourself and learning to be okay with unfamiliar topics. Keep it up!

Isaac Bollen (Room 9) Responsible

Isaac, you have successfully worked to demonstrate respectful, responsible and resilient behaviours within learning activities, general classroom, and school life.

Arley Hansen (Room 11) Resilient

Arley, you have made good progress in your reading. You are using your sounds to help you decode unknown words when you are reading. Keep up this amazing work!

Bradlee Brown (Room 12) Respectful

You are such a respectful member of Room 12. You always use your manners and share with your friends. We are so lucky to have you. Keep being amazing.

Dillan Joiner (Room 13) Responsible

Dillan, we love having you in Room 13! You are always so keen to learn, try your very best with all your learning and ask questions if you are unsure. Keep being you!

Carlo Sage (Room 14) Responsible

Carlo, you have shown perseverance and commitment all year to your learning. Now it is paying off, as you had the largest improvement (and highest score) in your basic facts testing. Tino Pai, Carlo.

Hudson Bayly (Room 15) Respectful

Hudson, you are a respectful learner. You show five when others are talking, speak to your peers using kind words, and are a dependable member of Room 15. We are so lucky to have you!

Beauden Lenny (Room 16) Respectful, Responsible

Beauden, you have been working hard at being a good friend and helping others out. It is great to see you stepping up and becoming a role model in class. Tino pai, keep up the great work.

Hawaiki Ngata-Anderson (Akomanga 17) Whakaute, Respect

He kiekie ki uta he tāmure ki tai

Kua tau tēnei tama pūroto ki akomanga 17. He tamaiti mōhio ki te whai i ngā nekehanga o Te Paeroa. Tāuke koe e tama.

Marcia Joss (Akomanga 18) Manawaroa

Tēnei te mihi atu ki a koe e Marcia i tū manawaroa mai i runga i te atamira o whakaari. Ahakoa te mārire, i puta mai te māia.

Kurupae Smith (Akomanga 19) Whakaute, Respect

He kiekie ki uta he tāmure ki tai

He ngākau nui tā Kurupae. Ia wā ka tū tōna ringa ki te tiaki i ngā teina kei ngā akomanga e rua. Ka nui te mihi ki a koe e hine. Manaaki te tangata ahakoa ko wai.

Billie Wright (Room 22) Responsible

Billie, you have made huge progress in your learning this year. I am so proud of the amazing acceleration you have made in your maths. What a superstar you are.

Casey Reynolds (Room 23) Responsible

Casey, well done on your improvements in Maths. You have worked so hard and your results reflect your attitude and effort.

Antonia Rau (Principal's Award) Responsible

Antonia, you have been an outstanding Afternoon Office Helper. During a busy Wednesday afternoon, your initiative and calm demeanour was very helpful.