Newsletter 27 May 2022

Bethlehem School Uniform Consultation

by Kathy Crow

Thank you all for the time you took to feedback your thoughts on the three uniform providers' samples that were on display last week in the Carmichael Room.

We will be meeting in the coming weeks to review all the feedback so we can continue to move forward with the next steps in this process. 

Empowering Learning at Bethlehem School: Learning at the Centre

Ken Robinson - Bring on the Learning Revolution!
by Regan Scarfe

This week we are going to listen to a very famous presentation:

Sir Kenneth Robinson’s TED talk on the learning revolution.

Although this video is from 12 years ago, it highlights the fundamental shift in education ideals that is taking place - moving on from our traditional 1 teacher:1 student model towards our children participating in a globally connected classroom with infinite learning opportunities. Learning that embraces individuality and everyone’s natural talents.

If you would like to see more from Sir Ken Robinson, please follow this link: