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Broomfield School - February 10, 2021

Bring Your Own Device

As new technologies continue to change the world in which we live, they also provide many new and positive educational benefits for classroom instruction. To encourage this growth, Broomfield School will be allowing Year 6-8 students to bring a personal digital device into school.

While the school-purchased Chromebooks will still be available to students to use, we are encouraging the implementation of BYOD to allow for more students in the school to have access to devices.

As we prepare our students for their next stage of learning at high school they must be equipped with the skills they need to manage and organise themselves and their devices. High schools now require students in Year 9 to have a device when they begin and expect that they know how to use these correctly.

Broomfield School has found Chromebooks to be reliable devices that meet general student needs. While we would recommend a Chromebook as the most suitable option for school use, students in years 6-8 may bring any personal mobile device that they may have, e.g. a Chromebook, a netbook, a laptop, or a tablet. It is also advised that you research the device that may be needed at your child's future high school. Year 7 and 8s can bring devices suited to their high school so that they can get multiple uses out of this device.

Device Specifications -

The following ‘specs’ for student BYOD devices are suggested:

  • Long battery life (for a full school day as there will only be limited charging facilities at the school).

  • Minimum 10-inch screen suggested (anything smaller, including a smartphone, may be too small and not suitable for use in every lesson).

  • Keyboard.

  • Wi-fi capable.

  • Minimum 2GB RAM.

  • USB ports (ideally).

  • Headphone/earphone jack (with some earphones to go in the jack - they do not have to be expensive).

All students have free access to Google Suite for Education - that is Google Docs, sheets, presentations, and forms - by using their school email account (which is also a Google account). They also have access to free online storage via Google Drive.

BYOD Carries Responsibilities

The use of technology to provide educational material comes with responsibilities. A student does not have the automatic right to use his or her laptop, or other electronic devices while at school. When abused, privileges will be taken away. When respected, they will benefit the learning environment as a whole. Students and parents/guardians participating in BYOD must adhere to the BYOD Agreement, as well as all school policies.

Students will be able to use their devices only at the invitation of their teacher. It is the teacher’s decision when and whether or not technology is used in the classroom.

Please see the BYOD agreement attached below. This will need to be signed by both parents and students before a BYOD device can be used at school.

The school will be able to track the device. The school’s usual filtering protocols will remain in place.

Security and Damages

The responsibility to keep the device secure rests with the individual owner. Broomfield School, nor its staff or employees, is not liable for any device stolen or damaged on campus. It is recommended that skins (decals) and other custom touches are used to physically identify your device from others. Additionally, protective cases for technology are encouraged.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss the best BYOD options for your child at Broomfield School please email