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Christchurch Boys' High School

Blue & Black News 2019 Issue #2


Message from the Headmaster

by Nic Hill

This past term has been a very positive one and I am very appreciative of the efforts of the boys, staff and our wider community. I am very proud to be associated with Christchurch Boys' High School and the growing understanding of the value of inclusion and care among our boys is one of the special things that I do love about school.

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Richard Taylor - New Principal at College House

by Nic Hill

Congratulations to Richard Taylor who has been appointed as the Principal of the University of Canterbury, Hall of Residence, College House.

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Board of Trustees

by Nic Hill

Thank you to Board of Trustees members John Osborne, Hugh Dacre, Lillias Brown, Mark Walls and David Caldwell for their service to the school over the last three years. Board members make a significant personal commitment to the success of the school and the recent ERO review reflects this commitment.

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City Mission Annual Food Bag Appeal

by Robyn Rodgers

The City Mission has launched its annual food bag appeal in conjunction with New World.

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Summer Gold Blazer Awards

by Glenn Davis

A gold blazer pocket is awarded for exceptional merit at the highest schoolboy level in the sport concerned, combined with outstanding sportsmanship and general character and conduct. To achieve a gold award a student would generally be selected to represent New Zealand.

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Building update at Christchurch Boys' High School

by Craig Dunnett

As you will be aware construction of the Caddick and Caldwell Block has started at Christchurch Boys' High School.

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Founders Day

by Steve Fraser

Elric James Hooper (born 30 January 1936) attended Christchurch Boys’ High School 1949-1953.

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Anzac Day 2019

by Steve Fraser

ANZAC DAY 2019 Anzac Day was commemorated for the second time in the new School Hall and was attended by over 1000 people including 200 Year 9 boys and a significant number of students from other year levels, as well as many Old Boys and others from the School’s community.

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Guidance Counselling Information at CBHS

by Robyn Rodgers

Meet the Counsellors - find out more

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Uniform Shop

by Uniform Shop

Opportunity Available

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Don't forget to buy your Bingo tickets

by Robyn Rodgers

To have some fun with Ethel & Bethel the Bingo Babes on Friday 9 August in the school hall run by the PTA. Starts 7pm sharp (doors open 6.30pm).

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Service Group

by Lachlan Hill

The service group comprised of 10 school monitors have worked together this term to help out the community.

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Chinese Bridge Speaking Competition - South Island Finals

by Huili Feng

At the Canterbury Chinese Speech Competition, CBHS had eight boys win prizes.

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Japanese Immersion Day

by Wayne Waller

Senior students of Japanese participated in an immersion day at UC on 7 June

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Year 9 'Cantamaths' Competition

by Barry Thomas

On Thursday 23rd May a ‘Cantamath’ style competition for Year 9 students was held at lunchtime in the school hall. The questions used were from past Cantamath competitions and the format of the competition was the same as used in the real Cantamath competitions.

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VEX Robotics Nationals - March 2019

by Glenn Davis

During the weekend of 22-24 March the CBHS robotics team attended the 2018-19 Nationals held at Glenfield College in Auckland.

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Congratulations to Daniel Meehan and Azuri Ormsby

by Glenn Davis

Both boys competed in the National Boxing Championships in Rotorua

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Squash Success

by Geoff Ellis

Nine players (3 teams of 3) travelled to Dunedin for the South Island Secondary Schools Squash Tournament.

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Old Boys Achievements

by Robyn Rodgers

Congratulations to the following Old Boys

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Homestay families wanted for 2019

by Carl Everett

We are looking for families who are prepared to open their home to an international student attending CBHS.

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Year 9 Ski Trips

by Jared Mitchell

These trips are part of the Junior Outdoor Education programme. The students and accompanying staff have a fun and educational day at Mt. Hutt Ski field. These will occur during the 3rd week of Term 3.

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Community Service Day

by Lachlan Hill

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Our media team have been out and about at school

by Robyn Rodgers

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Support the China Study Tour 2020

by Robyn Rodgers

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Social Studies Department

by Andrew Cooper

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The NZ Secondary Schools Cross Country Championships

by Glenn Davis

were held in Timaru over the weekend of 15-16 June.

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Year 10 Camp - Boyle River Outdoor Education Centre

by Jared Mitchell

Below is a small insight into the Year 10 camp activities

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Pasifika at CBHS

by Ed Finch

The first half of the year has been a huge success for Pasifika students at CBHS. The boys worked incredibly hard on their Polyfest performance which was held at the beginning of Term 2.

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University of Otago Visit

by Richard Webster

There comes a time in every young adults life when reality begins to strike them. What are we going to do next year? What university are you going to?

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Big Night In

by Robyn Rodgers

A night jam packed full of music and a little drama, showcasing CBHS and CGHS's finest performing arts featuring many talented musicians and a small dramatic excerpt from CBHS's thespians, was once again a huge success.

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Cycle Safety in Christchurch

by Craig Dunnett

Over the past month there has been a push from the school to increase awareness around cycle safety and what the students of Christchurch Boys' High School can do to make their journey to and from school as safe as possible.

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