Christchurch Boys' High School - Old Boys' Association
All CBHS Old Boys are invited to attend the Luncheon if they commenced School in 1964 or earlier.
We will be pleased to have the 1964 intake joining us for the first time. Chris Maister has agreed to represent the 1964 group on the committee and will be contacting 1964 entrants about an additional gathering (Chris Maister – l 027 226 5588).
1954 entrants will be celebrating “70 Years On” and will be contacted by representatives of their year with a view to getting a large attendance at this luncheon.
The “60 Years On” Committee has confirmed the key details. The caterer is booked as is the wine and other beverages.
Date: Tuesday 1 October 2024, 12pm
Cost: $60.00 (plus cash bar)
Venue: CBHS School Hall (social hour in Caddick wing from 11am)
To register (closing date 1 September 2024):
Email David Rankin - include:
Your name
Year started at CBHS
Contact Details (phone number and email)
Payment to the Committee Bank Account: 03-0854-0913372-000. $60 plus any donation you wish to make to the School Recollect Fund. Enter name in particular and year in reference. Donations of $30.00 or over will be receipted by School for a tax refund.
Altiora Peto!
Cran Bull (Chairman 60 Years on Committee) and Corin Murfitt (Secretary 60 Years on Committee).