Information update - Week 2 (Term 2)

Richie Hardcore visit to Christchurch Boys' High School

Talking about masculinity, mental health and stopping gendered violence.

It was great to have anti-violence campaigner, Richie Hardcore speaking to the boys today. Our boys are navigating a world unlike the one we teachers and parents grew up in.

As Richie said to the Headmaster today,

"we have over protected our boys physically and made them anxious yet we haven't protected them online".

Our boys need to have the courage to speak the truth even when their voices shake.

️ by Jared Yeoward

Gold Coin Donation - Tomorrow!

Many of our community will be aware of the tragedy impacting the Haeata School community following the death of one of their students.

To show our manaakitanga and compassion we would like our community to support the family. If you are able, please send your child tomorrow with a gold coin donation.

We will collect these at assembly and contribute on behalf of Christchurch Boys' High School to the family.