Dates to remember:
. Wed 14 Feb: School Athletics Day
. Thurs 15 Feb: Challenge Wanaka
. Fri 16 Feb: Postponement day for School Athletics
. Mon 19 - Fri 23 Feb: Year 7 and 8 Camps
. Mon 19 Feb: School Assembly - 1:50pm DG Murray Hall (All welcome)
. Tues 20 Feb: Year 9 - 13 Swimming Sports
. Mon 26 Feb - 1 Mar: Year 9 Camp
. Tues 27 Feb: Whanau Hui 6pm
. Thurs 29 Feb: OSSSA Sports Leaders Workshop
. Thurs 29 Feb: BOT meeting
. Mon 4 - 6 Mar: Life Education Trust
. Mon 4 Mar: AW Familton Awards - 1:50pm DG Murray Hall (All welcome)
. Thurs 7 Mar: Three Peaks Swimming and Year 7 and 8 Swimming Sports (Combined)
. Friday 8 - Saturday 9 Mar: OSS Athletics in Dunedin
. Tues 12 Mar: School Assembly 1:50pm DG Murray Hall (All welcome)
. Fri 15 Mar: Maniototo Exchange
Jack Martin Sports Day
2024 Weetbix TRYathlon
Term One 2024 EOHS Library
East Otago High School Senior Swimming Sports
EOHS is holding our Senior Swimming Sports (Year 9-13) on the morning of Wednesday, 20th February 2024. We require parent helpers to enable this event to run. If you are able to help, please contact Roz, or 03-465-1513.
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