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Hornby High School

Newsletter 27 October 2023

'Mā te huruhuru, ka rere te manu’

‘Feathers enable the bird to fly’

'Be prepared, have the right tools to achieve' 


Principals Address

by Iain Murray

Nga mihi nui kia koutou katoa. Welcome to the Hornby High School newsletter for October 2023.

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Graeme Dingle - Stars Community Project

by Sofia Year 12

This year at Hornby High School, we held a canned food drive for the local Hornby Salvation Army for our Stars Community Project.

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Year 9 Health Class - Canine Friends visit

by Alexandra Aitken

The Year 9 students in Miss Aitken's Health class are learning about Animal Therapy. We were lucky enough to have Canine Friends visit us.

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Year 7&8 Squash

by Darren Smalley

During the last four Friday afternoon sports, Mike Allred, the coach for Burnside Squash, kindly donated his time to give introductory lessons to year 7 and 8 students.

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Year 7/8 Market Day

by Raewyn Davis

A few pictures of our Year 7&8 Market day which was held during the last week of Term 3.

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Senior PE

by Ian Hilliard

The NZ Institute of Fencing visited school this week to run introductory sessions for our Senior PE students.

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HEADSS assessment

by Health Nurse

Tēnā koutou, This letter is for all parents/caregivers and appropriate whānau members of our Year 9 ākonga.

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The Leaving School magazine is now available to read online: Issue 28

by Louise Edmonds

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by Carolynn Thomas

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Key Dates Term 3 - 2024

by Kelly McNicholl

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by Kelly McNicholl

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by Sandra Martin

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Do you have the Hornby High School App?

by Kelly McNicholl

The App can be used to access the parent portal, check the daily notices, check attendance and is the quickest and easiest way to notify us of an absence.

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