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Hornby High School

Newsletter 21 March 2023

'Mā te huruhuru, ka rere te manu’

‘Feathers enable the bird to fly’

'Be prepared, have the right tools to achieve' 


Polyfest 2023

by Ane Tatu

Thank you for all the kind wishes and support during our journey preparing for Polyfest. To the staff who sent messages and were there in person to support on the day, thank you. The students performed so well, and as some of you know, I am a crier, and the tears were a representation of how proud I was of each and every one of those students. I can tell you quite confidently that our students should know our CARR values by now.

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Robin Sutton, Principal

Principal's Comment

by Robin Sutton

Kia ora koutou. Talofa. Kia Orana. Malo e lelei. Bula Vinaka. Fakaalofa atu. Namaste. Kumusta. Haere mai ki Te Kura Huruhuru Ao o Horomaka. Warm greetings to the Hornby High School community.

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Lateness: things you may not have thought about

by Robin Sutton

We have been seeing something of a new epidemic recently, an epidemic of lateness. It is easy to say ‘but it’s only 10 minutes’, but when you do the maths it’s a little bit more sinister.

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Senior Deans Report - Mōhua

by Phil Daines

Kia ora koutou, we are now well over halfway through the first term of 2023. The students should be all settled into their classes and getting on with their learning.

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Senior Deans Report - Tīeke

by Oscar Richardson

Kia ora Family, whanau, and caregivers of Tīeke kāhui The past seven weeks have been very busy, they have gone fast. By now our ākonga (students) are well into the swing of things, working on assessments, some even gaining credits.

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Junior Deans Report - Riroriro

by Katie Tozer

Tēnā koutou katoa Term One is flying by! We have had an action packed seven weeks with lots of exciting things happening including athletics day, Friday sport, passion projects, student groups volunteering in the community, learning conference day, Kapa Haka, FiaFia night, and PolyFest.

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Celebrating Our Top Academic Performers

by Jack Goodfellow

On Monday 5th March we held our annual Academic Honours assembly, in which the achievements of students in Year 12 and 13 are recognised for their work in NCEA Levels 1 and 2 in 2022.

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Graeme Dingle - Stars Programme Coordinator

by Hayley Young

Kia ora everyone, I hope you’re having an awesome week. My name is Hayley Young and I am the Stars Programme Coordinator here at Hornby High School.

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Graeme Dingle - Stars

by Hayley Young

The focus is real. 👁

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Policies & Procedures

School policies for review in Term 1, 2023

by Joanne Bykerk

Legislation and Administration Policy

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by Kelly McNicholl

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by Kelly McNicholl

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Expressions Dance Company

by Kelly McNicholl

Give your child the gift of dance and expression with Expressions Dance Company

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Do you have the Hornby High School App?

by Kelly McNicholl

The App can be used to access the parent portal, check the daily notices, check attendance and is the quickest and easiest way to notify us of an absence.

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Key Dates Term 3 - 2024

by Kelly McNicholl

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